Dark Ranger Customisation Coming 9.2.5

inb4 all the sylvanus, sylvanaaaas, xXxsylvanasxXx, sylvanaschan etc hunters popping up


They’re powering through the questline as we speak.

All the quests are up if people want to log in and do them now :slight_smile:


I really do want to, but im going to have to wait until after work :frowning:


That’s an awesome transmog :smiley:

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Why no red eyes for the Nightborne, but for the Void elves?

There was not even a single void elf Dark ranger.

Stop ostracising the Nightborne Blizzard.

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The fact that DKs can’t get red eyes makes me mad.


Because the HE whiners void elves get everything the blood elves do. And it’s why the void elves will never get anything voidy, since that won’t just be a copy-paste from blood elves.

Nor a single nightborne one.

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I love how your character looks OP.


Servers up already with no issues?!

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Pretty much what this guy said, they’ve had all blood elf skin colours and hair colours now dark ranger skin colour and eyes? The void elves don’t have any dark rangers lore wise.

Imo this is legitimately one of the silliest things they’ve done.

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Some posts in here will answer you better than i can

weird. ive dobe the questline but the dark ranger appearance isnt dressable

Therefore they should have added this option for the Nightborne too, we are the only elven race getting neglected by the Blizzard.

Anyways enjoy your new look.

So probably no chance for “Darkfallen” allied race huh? They lowballed it with just customization :confused:

Yes, I feel this customisation is actually better suited to dressing in Venthyr gear, than being a “Dark Ranger”.

It was my first reaction as well.

I don’t main hunter but I’m sure it will all look good together if I did.

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I don’t want to be too NEGATIVE but, right now, it has nothing to do with the current Lore. They should have included them during BFA, where they talked about them etc … Put it like this, suddenly, without any reason, it seems to me that they no longer know what to invent to keep the shack going … and it’s a shame!

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My Hunter is undead (and still level 50 ;). It’s proudly wearing it’s Elite Darkshore Warfront Transmog. Doesn’t need anything else.