Dark Ranger Customisation Coming 9.2.5

Runs around screaming

Oh you do look fabulous, Puny. Nimrhys shall be a Blood Knight though, and I will make a new Dark Ranger :smiley:

I love that they kept this and other things a secret, this has been the best morning for me.


They will find new thing to cry about

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Can’t wait too see what the fake blood elves are going too cry about next.
Maybe another post why they receive so much backlash? :rofl:

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“Why can’t we be paladins yet?”
“Why won’t you let use change name to High Elf yet?”
“Why can’t we turn off the passive void effect in combat?”

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HE Velfs was a mistake tbh. if voidies could stay voidies, thatd be great


Uh oh, You went there.

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He’s not wrong.

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in fact void were a mistake. like the LF draenei. Nonsense.
But… we are here to stay.


LF draenei are actually pretty cool, tho they should have been a customization option unto the regular draenei. Void elves however were just pulled out of the “void” just to give alliance Blood elves/High elves.

yes are cool (ive a fury LF) but are a nonsense. ANd the languish totally forgotten…

I think it’s a shame when people go non voidy on their Velf characters but it’s their choice. Mine is staying firmly velfy xD


you meant belfy?

Looks great, happy for everyone who was after this for a while!

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Hahaha my thoughts as well

So happy for the people who have wanted this for a long time. Really cool customization option. The mini story itself was really cool too, it kind of gives me hope for this game. Pleasant surprise from blizz.

Btw, I already like Calia far more than Sylvanas + Lilian Voss has long been one of my favorite chars :grin:


Velfy, you know moody purple emo looking.

My hunter looks velfy not Helfy


this is great of lordaeron title and dark ranger tmog
and ghostlands being relevant again
this is a quest chain worth doing over on multiple belfs exalted with silvermoon


To be fair as a high elf fan And a void elf fan, well just call me a elf fan in general.

I never asked for Dark Rangers for Void elves. Actually, I think this is the most silly thing I’ve seen.

Are there any “high elven or blood Elven” dark Rangers on the alliance side? They should’ve just kept it with Night elves and blood elves.

I do both depending on what I want to roleplay. The beauty of the Roleplaying server.


best thing about quest rewarding a paladin set and a weapon
checking everyone elses tmogs
and it looks amazing on me yes boots included

many belf paladins with normal and hc sepulcher tier
few with mage tower tmog
and others with glorious plate mixup with mythic tomb paladin tier
or mythic paladin tier with lightbringer tabard

i am not secretly jealous the champion npc uses seal of blood/inquisition

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Is it repeatable though and not just a 1 time thing like race unlocks or heritage?