Dark Ranger Roleplay

Honestly i personally advice you look either for pure neutral guilds like Mercenary companies that have no allegiance and are willing to accept anyone or join like Ebon Blade guilds that accept Dark rangers.

Its not like you should be in stormwind drinking a cup of tea in the pressense of the living who have every reason not to trust you.


As others have already mentioned, maybe you should consider looking at RP prospects as a dark ranger on the Horde side. At least until their status on the Alliance is clarified by further lore should Blizzard decide to give us any. Right now RP’ing an Alliance dark ranger is quite controversial and you’ll find two camps that will either accept/tolerate you or just ignore you.

If you do want to go that way by all means, your best option might be with neutral/mercenary guilds that operate outside Stormwind or Alliance territories in general. Though I haven’t seen many such guilds around that would be welcoming of dark rangers, so good luck on that front.


I do rp as darkfallen, I even have a guild, named Red Night, but the reason I created it just for the sake of using a tabbard for trasnmog in the first place, and rping with couple of friends.
If you want to find a darkfallen to RP with, find me in Duskwood, I will gladly RP with you :black_heart:

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peoples dont know the lore behind the Night elf dark rangers ? :rofl:

People either don’t know or willingly ignore the lore that Dark Rangers are Horde until further notice.

untill Calia Menethil brings alliance forsakens :rofl:

We do not speak of that one

You mean Dark Ranger Velonara saying that some Night Elves may wish to return to the Alliance but she doesn’t know if they’ll be accepted ? Because a lot of people seem to misquote that one and ignore the actual implications of no ‘‘doesn’t know if they’ll be accepted’’.


And there lies the biggest difference between how the alliance handles Undead and the Horde does. When you are undead and part of the horde you are part of the Forsaken so they got you covered. The alliance doesn’t have that.

Matter of fact the Alliance has even more reasons to hate and distrust the undead so what she says about not sure they will be accepted or not is valid. Afterall how would you feel if you, A human who lived in stormwind and believed the light (Because that is the dominant religion) had your entire family/friends/neighbors, Slaughtered by undead monstrosities that are a afront against your believes and then you see them get raised into MORE undead. Take into account the Third war and the Northrend campaign and well


Calia is a member of the Forsaken council and has a seat on the Horde Council! She will be as much Alliance as Anduin is Horde.

Horde can keep her. :slight_smile:


almost as many people ignore the fact you can play as a dark ranger in the ranks of the Alliance, thus already answering Velonara’s question

And here we go again with this.

Did you not understand LAST TIME that customisation DOES NOT EQUAL solidified lore.

Or are you just willingly ignoring that and live in your own fantasy world (of warcraft)?


Love playing my Sand Troll as a member of the Horde.

Lok’tar Ogar, my Horde friends!


Sure love playing my scourge characters in the middle of Orgrimmar!

Lok’tar my fellow living folk who hate the scourge!


I also play as The Netherlord or The Highlord of the Silver Hand
 doesn’t mean all warlocks are The Netherlord or all paladins are The Highlord of the Silver Hand.

Gods, we have so many Netherlords and Highlords, who needs acolytes and normal rank-and-file paladins?


The Average Poor-Quality DK roleplayer would convince you that they are all simultaneously the Deathlord tbf


Blizzard should really need to make clear whether Darkfallen are welcomed by Tyrande and the Alliance or not.
According to wowpedia it says they are: “While Delaryn and other Darkfallen night elves rejoined the Horde, others were accepted by their leader Tyrande Whisperwind to return among their people into the Alliance”

But when checking the source to it they are refering to the quest “Path of the Dark Rangers” where the quote is: “
 If Tyrande would have them back, they are free to go. The rest will be welcome in the ranks of the dark rangers.”

The “if” there makes it somewhat unsure. So we could need a statement from Tyrande on the matter.



Wowpedia is seldom a 100% reliable source precisely because of that. It’s written by players, not by Blizzard employees. Sure, it provides sources but as you’ve just pointed out they also tend to interpret these sources as they please even if that interpretation often goes further than what is actually stated.

They also say that there are scarlets hanging around the road between Soliden Farmstead in Tirisfal and one of the Forsaken spots there with the only source for that being a few odd NPC’s who also happen to walk underneath the nearby lake. Now, unless Humans have developed to ability to breath under water, one could argue that’s a bug


Plus quest text it should. Both are narrative tools telling us that DF are into the Alliance. Also: last time you never convinced me, or never proved me wrong for that matter. The fact you stick to your ideas and repeat them several times doesn’t make them right.

I could make you the same question.

Indeed. It should be noted that, unlike what most people are saying, there is a good chance that they’ve already been accepted as members of the Alliance. The quest text, it has to be noted, isn’t the only proof, but customization also is a proof: we can play as them after a quest, the implication’s that these darkfallen are those that the quest references, and have been allowed in the ranks of the kaldorei/humans.


Could you elaborate on how this analogy works?

Because as far as I recall, not being the deathlord is not a problem due to the lore, which gives us room to do so in theory, but due to the fact that we can’t all be the ultimate hero of the story, as that would trivialize the main story, or in general feels very much a main character syndrome. Is that your problem with darkfallen? You think that’s a snowflake concept? Because that’s the one analogy here. And frankly, it’s completely irrelevant to the objection raised: if the lore states they are playable as alliance, you disliking the concept doesn’t make it less real.