Dark Ranger

I’ll be ranting a bit, we need more class flavour, current DR talents are very lacking in class fantasy.

  1. Dark Hounds are used by Nathanos and ONLY by him, it has nothing to do with DR as a class. It could be an effect exclusive to Beast Mastery though.
  2. Same with chains, nothing to do with DR, it’s the powers of Jailer.
  3. Black Arrow should work like in W3 where in outdoor content, killing enemies with it should raise a skelly. Also it should be a buff to your attacks (replace True Shot?) maybe a cooldown similar to what Sub rogues have or simply add a dot without cooldown, like Stings.
  4. Make Wailing Arrow silence in PvP because it’s currently useless, replace abilities Aimed Shot > Shadowburn Shot, Rapid Fire > Ranger’s Heartseeker so we’re dealing more shadow damage.
  5. Merge Withering Fire with Windrunner’s passives.

I know that every suggestion is made from MM perspective, but keep in mind that other classes like Druid have spec specific effects, it doesn’t have to fit perfectly 1 to 1 each spec and I’m not confident enough to comment on what they should do with BM as I don’t play it.
Please feel free to add your ideas, cheers.

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Dark Ranger should be a SV choiche nothing more too say

Agree. Would work perfectly with Mongoose Bite if they re-introduced the Legion version of it.

Mongoose Bite Hunter - Survival Spec
Melee range
Instant 12 sec recharge

Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon
Requires Hunter (Survival)
3 charges

Attempts to sever the target’s limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury.

Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 50% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration.

Or mongoose bite get back too the old explosive shot inclusive range

I was a SV main and was playing infity hours, reaching 2.3 in2s Arena in BfA and Sl
but ditch it DF

I level my hunter atm. Too 70 incase a rework is comming amd it get better

The talent tree is a mess, so many flat damage increase so many abilitys that they wont too pic that are not fitting in a smooth rotation

Sv atm. Is like a expiriment for garbage

I want at last ONE build 100% arround DOT poisen and bleeds, Black Arrow would have fit perfect

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MM had Dark hounds as a talent in if i remember correctly Legion.
Whenever MM had Black arrow.

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