Dark Ranger/Pack Leader shows an incredible lack of creativity and is as underwhelming as it gets

Yeah, I’m not one for fancy gimmicks but it definitely looks like it enhances the spec and appeals to me the most (in BM). Hopefully it isn’t hopelessly undertuned or anything.

As Survival we get the choice of Pack Leader and Sentinel.

Sentinel still seems overtuned, it does a lot of damage. Even after being ‘adressed’. Granted: most of that requires the target to stand still in the cirkle, which will not happen all the time…
Visuals of Sentinel are ok, but nothing great, pretty blant overal. Could be a lot more, given the theme and the association of Sentinels with glaives etc.
It’s an arcane owl… pooping.

Pack leader is worse, a lot worse.
Damage wise Pack Leader is miles behind on Sentinel, even on single target where you would assume it would shine. Even with high crit, on which it thrives.
Mind you: this is as my own fallable testing as survival hunter, not as BM!
Visuals of Pack Leader…? What visuals? There is nothing, except that pet for six seconds, if you take that talent, but as SV that appears extremely weak.
Other than that. There is absolutley nothing.
You don’t notice you have hero talents picked, at all.

So I hope they keep working on this till launch, because from what I hear Dark Ranger is pretty underwhelming too, and clunky to use.
Even more disapointing since all they could have done with the visuals of a Dark Ranger… really, after looking at all of that in Shadowlands cutscenes and all.


No , do not

Yeah this, now I have to make a clunky castsequence macro just to daisy chain these 2 abilities together. Just make dark ranger turn explosive shot into black arrow and be done with it. Would be easier, cleaner and work for both mm and bm.

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Have the fix visuals yet ?

I only have seen some damage buffs for dark ranger on beta nodes and the damage output must be very strong 20% passive killcommand and barb shot damage if black arrow counts for the dot multiplier thats another 10% damage increase with the arrow up

Nope, still as dissapointing as ever.

Damage seems relatively decent specially in raid scenarios, the singel target is quite good and the DR buffs probably made it the go to choice for now.

Doesn’t seem that good in M+, BM at least, MM seems to struggle from the eternal do I want to damage the boss or the trash packs type of choices which feels a bit meh also. But as I said he, I don’t think the specs will be too bad in themselves, but the fantasy and implementation of these hero talents and visuals is the biggest snooze in tripple A gaming history.

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You forgot Sentinel. Just as bad, if not worse.

All I would want from Dark Ranger would be something as simple as Black Arrow has a chance to give you a free instant proc of Wailing Arrow and then Wailing Arrow has a chance to spread Black Arrow on nearby mobs, creating a feedback loop where the more Black Arrows you get out the more instant procs you get given.
This would be very fun and fit into the whole dark ranger theme by just spreading your corruption and could maybe cause the targets to be chained/tethered together so they can’t escape your evil clutches.

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So, now that we’ve had the expansion for a bit - how you all experiencing it in this area, do you feel like a dark ranger, dark rangering about?

I see a lot of the same feedback over at the US forums, though I think a lot of people have gone the MM or SV route (as have I), for which Sentinel is pretty strong, leaving BM and it’s hero talents hidden away in a dusty attic somewhere.

Visual point of view there are non

+i have my black arrow back
-its not for SV

  1. Visually speaking, the visual effect of black arrow is okay, the rest is lackluster
    The dogs that spawn are tiny and ugly, add very little to fantasy, in the mids of the fight you won’t even notice them.
    Smoke screen talent adds fart animation to your Exhiliration and Surival of the fittest. They can just rename this talent into a fart screen.

To me the only Dark Ranger spell that does looks good, sounds good and feels good to press is the Wailing Arrow. The problem is that it is technically not even DR talent, it’s MM hunter’s unique talent and due to how MM hunter’s talents work it’s only accessable in Single Target Builds.

  1. Speaking of viability, Sentinel does not change or complicates your rotation, Sentinel is slightly superior to Dark Ranger in single target damage (provided you play DR talents perfectly, which is no easy) and is vastly superior in aoe damage. The only reason for a player to pick Dark Ranger if they want to deal LESS damage and have a more complex rotation.

  2. Speaking of gameplay, playing DR is about pressing your black arrow and tracking extra charges of aimed shot and death blow it gives. Pressing Black arrow feels very unsatisfying to me.

To conclude, Dark Ranger atm is a spec with poor visuals, clunky and unsatisfying to playstyle, makes your rotation more complex and adds to the button blow. And even if you play it perfectly, it’s COMPLETELY unviable in aoe fights and is somewhat viable (not even good) in single target fights.

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