Are all Dark Rangers Banshees who went back into their body? If I were to play one, would it be acceptable for a Dark Ranger assassin to use abilities like Banshee Wail or for her dagger strikes to be infused with death magic?
Hey, answers in the same order; not all, probably can get away with it yeah, and yes, you can.
Yes some Banshees returned to their body which will be cool for a class concept like when you spec into the Banshee spec for Dark Rangers you shoot arrows and then have a banshee wail basically shadowpriest with empowered abilities
There at least 3 classes suitable to roleplay either a banshee or a dark ranger.
Priest, Hunter and Rogue, all 3 offer ways to roleplay your powers.
Oh boy, this is a can of worms with me, given my ancestry…
‘Banshee’ is an anglicisation of ‘Bean Sidhe’. (Its pronounced the same way, but spelt differently) A Bean Sidhe is a ‘Woman of the Mounds’, one of the Fae folk who sing from rooftops to herald a death. They are from Irish legend, and the one thing that is definite about them is that they are -all- female. Every last one of them. There are no male Banshees. I mean the word wouldn’t even make sense, as the ‘Ban’ or ‘Bean’ bit literally means ‘Woman’, the male equivalent would be, ehh, probably Fir Sidhe, or Firshees. There is absolutely no such thing as a male Banshee. Even Blizzard side with this, Dead Female Elves can become Banshee’s, dead Male Elves can become Spectres.
There is a mob in game, that is male, without a name just called ‘Dark Ranger’. He doesn’t actually look like a Dark Ranger, just strangely gangrenous. Nathanos Blightcaller is also not a Dark Ranger, despite what he might want to think. He was a normal human Ranger who died, and was risen as a normal Forsaken, with a Forsaken model. Later, Val’kyr magic was done to put him into someone elses body, so not his own.
I don’t even know what the word for him is, but the process was 100% not the same as for an actual Dark Ranger.
I’d be cagey with it. Lets remember, Sylvanas is the only one we see able to flip in and out of her body, and the only one who seems to do that whole wail thing. I don’t know if any other Dark Rangers can do that. I’d strongly imagine they -could- do something like that, but even Sylvanas seems to use it sparingly, I mean if she could just whoosh over the battlefield and scream, killing people, then…well, why didn’t she?
We do know that Dark Rangers lost their more nature based powers that Farstriders had, and instead gained Shadow ones, so some sort of magic infusement of weapons is not out of the question at all.
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