Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

They already have at least one in the form of NPC. So it fits well imo.

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i think ebon blades aren’t supposed to just roam around like that neither like someone sayd up in this thread…

well, topics change!, i guess.

i think we should just do this. Dark rangers Roleplayers if they want to go around stormwind they can, but they will be attacked by guards or other people who are hostile to them.

that’s cool but, we can’t even proove they are in.
like i sayd, go around stormwind but be attacked

Personally my “Alliance” DR was made back in BfA. Void Elves had the pasty skintones to go with it, and thanks to x-faction potions RP was no issue. She deserted after seeing Sylvanas straight up reanimate the fallen Horde warriors in Lordaeron and spent the entirety of the expansion as a wanted traitor by the Horde, and a largely despised monster by the Alliance.

It was honestly a good time despite never spending a second IC in Alliance towns or cities. She wasn’t a main RP character so much as a side character I’d revisit now and then, but I never found myself in the situation of not knowing where to go in order to conceivably find RP.

Thus, seeing darkfallen lounge about in Stormwind comes across as an expression of laziness above anything else. It’s the lowest bar of potential barely being reached, and I honestly feel the same for Demon Hunter and Death Knights milling about in similar states of willful ineptitude.


a dark ranger RPer is saying that since they added the skin tone it is canon that they are of the alliance. Lamest excuse i heard from a RPer

Happened with the Demon Hunters as well, needs time I guess

yet is just stupid. i think we should make it clear to all RPers tbh, cuz this is just lame.

Agreed, Ebon Blade having rangers doesnt shock me much at all, they have Liches/Abominations/Ghouls/Skeletons/Geists ect, numerous different units.

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that’s fair, if they are ebon blade dark rangers and are here for buisness that 100% cool and good RP. but if you just use the excuse of “blizzard added the dark ranger skins so…” it’s not cool and should be put on /ignore. at least on my perspective.

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I agree, anything other than an ebon blade darkranger imo right now is a renegade/rogue dark ranger, fair game

i’d say more a troll that wants to make drama

Either that or maybe someone just not as clued up with what would fit in 100% and what wouldnt, you also get newer rp’ers who arent entirely sure about the cultures/general idea/theme of a location/hub.
Example, if my DK was encountered by some rabble in Stormwind of civvies/peasants/whichever, he could likely mow them all down, but I wouldnt even dare to try do that in a spot like SW, I’d leave, reality is your arent going to survive the night if you do such in a spot like Stormwind.

then it’s settled, you ask the dark ranger roleplayer why she or he is in Stormwind and if they say “ebon blade buisness” then it’s 100% cool. if they say a lame excuse /ignore and if they don’t know much of it you explain it. i guess this should be a fair thing for everybody.

Depends really for me anyways case by case, sometimes the interaction with such a whacky out of place concept goes down as expected sometimes not, I usually refrain from interacting with those types in SW, anywhere else no not really as they tend to blend in better elsewhere(in some cases atleast) but SW? its just not the spot for that kinda stuff.

they need to learn one thing. they are not alliance members, thus they can’t just chill in SW

Don’t say that because now people will justify taking their Lich or Ghoul character to RP a bartender in SW.

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You ate them? That doesn’t sound good… Rotten and corrupted meat and all? :sweat_smile:

Nah, just cuz you Ebon Blade dont mean you got business working behind a bar, go kill some cultists, before the Stormwind JobCenter sanctions you

My char has ate worse, he frequents old towns food spots.

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400+ in a few days. Nice. And still on the same topic.

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let’s wait for dark rangers to be in lore reunited whit the alliance, till then (i asked a guard roleplayer) it’s kill on sight or if near handed to an ebon