Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

What are they smoking… :flushed:


I can’t believe I’m saying this, I do have to give them credit for the fandom pages, they look very well written and an interesting thing for people roleplaying a small Hamlet/outposts in a a certain zone to add some world building…

But monkeys on a bicycle, they went ham with headcannon.
I always wondered why people in American timezones would still prefer AD, I feel so sorry for them…

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The legend endures.

For a time, she was referred to as the “Barracks of Blackmarsh” because she was said to have allowed any soldier to rest within her.

A complete erosion of standards via a culture of unrestricted “freedom”, fuelled by utter contempt for canon.

Tragically wasted effort, really. Passion projects outsiders can’t hope to penetrate and the ultimate form of mutually exclusive headcanons that I’ve warned against for literal years.


This brings joy

(I want one)

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I agree, that there has been effort put into, but it is purely to entice others to agree with their arguments and faulty reasoning. “Hey, it makes sense, so lets do it?” which is fine, I guess, but it is simply blown out of proportion on Moon Guard

Looking to them as if they are some saints and saviors of RP is just bad. The amounts of drama they have between and inside their guilds is literally nothing to compare to on AD, not even the most explosive PCU-nonPCU moments.


It’s the good old proof that effort doesn’t always mean that it’s good.

Someone can put 2000 hour effort into something and it can still be, for a lack of better word, bad.

It’s not bad. It’s crap boned.

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Oh then you didn’t see the recent forum post here from a certain whacky individual saying how their RP character should be picked as the next queen of Stormwind…

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This is a well written and structured fandom page.

But in the end, it’s a well written and structured fandom page dedicated to a “Dawnish” high elf - Dawnish being a Thalassian ethnicity other elves compare to vrykul, who is the Alliance aligned Duchess of Quel’Damor located somewhere in the south-western reaches of Quel’Thalas; itself part of the Horde aligned Grand Duchy of Quel’Zaram, located somewhere in the south-western reaches of Quel’Thalas. She is a former Scarlet Crusader, having served in their ranks for five years as a sorceress, became a priestess, currently serves as the Grand Inquisitor of the local Silver Hand chapter.

She is also a former void elf who underwent an hour long ritual to sanctify her body and remove the void’s corruption and is in a three-way marriage with two other women, one of them being her sister. Her sister did not enter this marriage out of love for the third woman.

Oh, and she commands an elite unit of soldiers known as the 501st Legion.


I have to say I did, sadly I could not say there was any surprise element from it for me :worried: seeing they’re a general known :clown_face:

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Excuse me whilst I make my head intimately close to my wardrobe door.

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:flushed: What the yikes…
I thought the overuse of fancy ranking tittles was going to make me snore off, until I read that.

They have a child together.

Oh, and the sister is the spymaster of Quel’Damor and despite having lived 39 years in Quel’Thalas where she was born and raised, she didn’t learn to speak Thalassian until after she joined the Sons of Lothar. Despite being an avid practicioner of blood magic, she is also a devoted follower of the Holy Light and Belore, which is a huge thing in Moon Guardian Thalassian headcanon - that the blood elves literally worship the Sun which treated like a deity akin to Elune.


I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore about these antics, yet I still am.
In one word, horrible.

An’she is disappointed in being worshipped by ELVES…

Why are Americans like this?

Something something Alabama.

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God, sheedai beat me to it


I’ll give you both a like for having the same idea.