Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP



Yeah could just be times have changed, seems bizarre

It would have added an extra layer of inappropriateness had I been a minor.
I am thankfully an adult and not easily pressured into something I won’t do.
And again at the very least they were mature about my refusal, so I didn’t press it any further.

I think I’m just lucky, never get propositioned lol


A couple things I’ve noticed is that human males tend to be safe, as are particularly armored characters and guild tags (esp ‘infamous’ ones like, to give the easiest example, any PCU guild).

It is very obvious that these types seek out vulnerability.

Yeah could be right, plus my chars typically have pretty ugly trps, they arent mr.handsomes.

Been there aswell
way back in, wrath maybe?
I logged on after a really bad day, and I just wanted to chill and rp, but the first thing I am met with is a group of snobby elitist who insult my character by making some unwarranted /e comments
these were not IC comments either, it was overall a very passive aggressive way to talk about me as if I wasn’t there, in my mind I was like “dude, what the duck? i just logged in” but what I wrote in responds to this was less mature, I basically went away why calling them all the low grade englishs curse words I could over /yell.
That nettet me a whack over the finger by a GM who talked to me about my bad behaviour and I was forced to name change my character because it also didn’t have what they deemed a RP compliant name (it was Master).
I was so tired I didn’t argue my case, so I just took the hit and moved on.

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They laid off most of their customer support a while ago if I recall correctly.

The fact it took so long to implement account wide ignores is baffling too. Before that, if people wanted to harass you, they could whisper you and then you’d ignore them. Then they’d delete the character and remake it, which would remove them from your ignore list. Happened to me when someone got really mad at me in a BG. It wasn’t anything but a minor annoyance, but creepier types cold do that to someone for months.

Just play a woman and I promise you, they’ll ignore anything that says your character is ugly.

Source: Literally played a warty hag and people would just ignore that to try and flirt.

I wish Blizzard kept the really ugly vanilla faces. When they updated the character models they removed a lot of the ones with more extreme expressions.

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Yeah same, I used to suck at pvp, was better than I am now but still trash so got targetted by twinks/good pvp’ers n such all the time in BG’s lol, constantly targetted verbally so being an angsty 15 yr old would end up swearing/name calling back n one time ate a ban for it, stopped after that, just seems wild that I could eat a ban for that but these lot can literally groom minors or harass for ERP ect n they are fine, no bans

I can imagine, I know making a female char on WoW is literally a magnet for creeps lol

This can often be bypassed by playing one of the lesser used female races.
although I assume this is off set by meeting worse creeps when they do contact you.

Lol yeah I can only imagine, I’ll stick to ugly human male chars

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He sits there playing other games, whilst afking in wow.

As for sexual harrasment, a few weeks ago I had someone whisper saying “nice mog 10/10 would fap”

Honestly, with what has happened within blizz itself, you would think it would be come down on hard… but apparently not.

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If they can’t even keep their own workplace free of harassment, what made us think they could do it in their game?


Yeah as a father of two my experiences on wow (Back during Wotlk I did get propositioned quite abit, being an obvious minor in my behaviour) I hate the idea of kids playing games like this, especially RP communities, having been in numerous rp communities since coming back to gaming, some of the weirdos I’ve encountered/heard about just makes me feel like always keeping mine away from rp as you cant trust the staff in a game to uphold decent moral standards regarding minors n creeps


You don’t need to make them all ugly.
The only thing off-limits to ERP fiends is human men. And I don’t know if that fact is disturbing or not.


Its… it is disturbing… makes all my chars human male

Doesn’t look like they’re the same. I’ve known twin wife-guy’s alts so as to avoid that stuff and bridge guy isn’t one of them.


Well they’re both to be avoided…

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Like I said, there’s a whole slew of alt accounts involved, which means that the only real way to track is behaviour and active times (and whatever he himself gives away)

I’ve never had any whispers whatsoever on my blood elf or draenei female characters.

Even when I went out of my way to try and get shrinkage-live-in-boots guy to whisper my belf for farts and giggles.