Whoa, no offense but I guess they do have standards.
I just don’t know. Saying X is Y when X is X and Y is Y but both/same are/is creepy weirdos is practical at least, if not accurate. It’d be worse if Y and Z is accused of being X while being wholly inoffensive people.
Point is: I don’t buy they’re the same guy but I’m gonna dodge both!
Fair enough!
The facts are a bit one sided, since the person doesn’t use the forum (as far as I know).
but I think I will continue to dodge both by doing exactly what I’ve always done and not interact with either, regardless of the truth.
This talk however have lead me to question, which female race is the least likely to see harassment?
I would like to imagine gnomes aren’t targeted, but I dread that they are for all the wrong reasons.
if I had to wager a guess, mechagnomes.
That is slightly surprising since they very well fit into a certain kind of kink, but I guess if they are few in numbers anyway they are also less likely to be harassed.
Highmountain Tauren/Kul Tiran because nobody plays one.
Vulpera because they’re usually the harassers not the victims.
Idk the real answer but it frustrates me to know that is isn’t Forsaken.
I’m still upset at this. Creeperonis ruined my enjoyment of several undead.
Yay, 8000 posts. I’m buying a celebration pastry.
I did look it up and highmountain is the least played race on argent dawn, I don’t know if the moose horns is a turn off for harassers?
The rack is just too big.
So… them dark rangers in Stormwind, amirite?
Put them in a skip. Push the skip in the sea.
Watch the skip sink. The corpse elves float off towards the horizon. They eventually end up on Tel’Abim.
Banana elves.
That’s not how I indended our south seas expansion pacific islander moana-elves.
The bananas have been taken over by the botani that came with the mag’har.
They in turn infest the elves.
Moana literally translates to “the sea” so it’s just sea elves hun.
They were my mer’dorei all along…
Apparently there is already a mermaid RPer in Boralus, so… done!
And I brought you mer
Thank you
gasp Azshara, no
. . . No . . . . What’s next faeries?
The blue skinned, lithe beauties that may or may not feed on seamen are certainly not naga but 50/50 a kul tiran folktale.