Dark Skin Bloodelves on AD


So I was wondering if people on AD generally accept bloodelves with dark Skin colour into their RP or if it is seen as lore breaking by server consensus. Apparently there is alot of controversy about it

Enlighten me please and thanks in advance!

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If people are causing a ruckus about it, then frankly, they’re not worth RPing with.


We can change form at will through magic (gender, skin and even race) why would it be?


Maybe elves tan idk. Don’t see why a skin colour would be an issue.


i think the Highblood Myrmidons have to get into some affermative action program, just look at their pale roster…

There’s absolutely no issue with dark-skinned blood elves.


Certainly curios to hear more stances on it, so far has been quite encouraging. I guess I just like to see if I can make it plausible for my bloodelf to be dark skinned with lore backing it up rather than just Game mechanics. I think it just looks great on my bloodelf

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Just go for it my dude, honestly.


The lore is that blood elves have the same variation in skin tone / complexion as humans, dwarves, and gnomes. Their skin tones are all based on real world humans, so Blizzard made the long overdue decision to broaden that away from just Caucasian / white.

Don’t need to think any more deeply on it than that. A soft-retcon if we’re to take previous customisation options as ‘canon lore’, for the benefit of better customisation. :pray:


The short of it was that a vocal minority people were upset for the lack of lore justification on why elves have darker skin, when it’s blatantly clear that Blizzard’s intention is basically just to retcon the option into the existing canon. Elves could always look this way, but now it’s an option for players to take.

Really the only people kicking up a fuss about this are the people who claim that any and every bit of representation of any race, gender, or sexuality are catering to a crowd of “SJWs”.


Nice thanks guys, definitely going for it :slight_smile:


This, and /thread, honestly.

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It is what Blizzard says, Blizzard goes. And there is no same-race skin prejudice mentioned for elves in any general way I can think of so it wouldn’t really be something anyone would bring up IC also.
Every one in all these tones has been about for thousands of years, so there would be anything out of the ordinary to cause you to have to mention it.
Outside of menial talk about skin-specific subjects like getting a tan.

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TBH I am alright with the changes they have made for both belf and velf giving velf the option to change their color to a non corrupted form and even become a high elf.

Being taned also seems like a nice adition and breaks up a lot of character looks in my opinion.

I don’t know what’s funnier, the insistance that black skinned blood elves break lore or insinuating that there will ever be a consensus regarding anything on AD.

Go wild! Just please don’t claim you are from Tanaris/Uldum.


Where are the options for Asian faces then?

Did you ever think why they added options for black skin / whatever but not for Asian faces / features? There are more people with Asian faces in the world, you know.

It all is just pandering. They are adding what is politically important.

Obviously, that’s a side question to this thread.

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You could argue the different races of elves, with their different faces, represent other elf ethnicities already.

They also got new skin tones, but that doesn’t sound like it fits your narrative.


They’ve added asian faces. although they have been greatly watered down from what we first saw them revealed.

You could argue the different races of elves, with their different faces, represent other elf ethnicities already.
They also got new skin tones, but that doesn’t sound like it fits your narrative.

doesn’t that just mean we now have dark elves? like D&D dark elves for Night elves?

You could, but shouldn’t engage with trolls.