Dark skinned elfs in shadowlands

Well, not anymore.


There you go,you have given answer to yourself.Since when peach is white?

They can still change it, hopefully. The two lighter skin tone seem goldish, so I don’t mind them. Just make the darker tones dark gold instead of dark brown, please Blizzard :pleading_face:


It’s funny how a certain minority gets offended if a game isn’t diversified enough.


peach is a warm white skin tone.
As in the name of a legit skin tone that white people have.


You don’t get a black skintone over a few years, and for it to become a genetic thing. A shade of a tan perhaps, but not black.

So it’s a retcon to suit an ideology. Disgusting.

Peach skin looks white-pink. Not peach like fruit.

Actually he gives a better explanation to it. But yeah, it’s a white skin shade.


To be fair the people who seem to be offended are the ones against the addition.


It’s just diversity pandering, there’s never been anything in the lore that states blood elves can be that dark in skin colour, the humans can be justified due to them living in STV as mentioned in the chronicles I believe it was.

But the elves? It’s shameless pandering to the MUH DIVERSITY crowds.


Because it would make this game even more of a joke than it already is.


I haven’t seen anyone asking for it. Where are these people?

It’s such a silly thing to get angry about.


Yes, because it’s out of the blue and it ruins what little consistency this setting had left…


Did I miss out on some outrage over belf skintones? Or who was offended over this not existing?

Shrug, even for plausible lore-reasons dark skinned belves arent that much of a stretch. When you have thousands of years of lineage, genetic variance is pretty much bound to happen.

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I don’t feel the same way you do - so I can’t really comment on that.

There are hills to die on - and this really isn’t one for me. I honestly don’t have an issue with it so not much more I can say on that.

What does seem evident though is this idea that they have somehow bowed to pressure from ‘the minorities’. That just doesn’t appear to be the case. I have never seen anyone get upset or angry or demand anything like this. Perhaps I’ve just missed it.

Blue eyes, on the other hand, now that is a war that has been raging forever.


It’s progress. Just like when the blood elves lef the racist Alliance. New exciting chapter for all.

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Genetic variance rarely to never happens in a non-changing environment and conditions, and the high elves have been living in the same, unchanging environment and conditions.


Wowpedia is written by fans, and the sentence about their skin turning a peach hue cites no source. The next sentence cites an unspecified point in The Sunwell Trilogy. And even if it was outright stated there, the Sunwell Trilogy is a TBC era comic that is ultimately trumped by later era lore.

Now, the World of Warcraft Chronicle is written by Blizzard themselves, and the latest and most up to date source of Warcraft lore. Lets look at what it has to say about the skin colors of the Highborne that fled east.

“After being exiled from the Well of Eternity, the Highborne began to feel the effects of aging and disease. Their skin had even lost its violet hue, and they had begun to shrink in stature.”

-WoW Chronicle: Vol 1, page 118.

Their skin had lost its violet hue. That’s it. Nothing about being exclusively pale or peach. Nothing about them not being black. Only a loss of violet hue. And that’s the lore, folks!

As for white Orcs, they exist in game, as Kargath’s Shattered Hand clan. However, they’re mag’har, and allied races aren’t getting additions in this round of character updates. I would like that skin to be added though.

The complaints about it are pointless. The Elves are magically gifted enough to change their skin color at a whim if for nothing else, as a fashion choice. You can literally change your skin color at “barbers” in the game.

People who say this is SJW needs to shut up. Its variance and customization option and it should be welcomed.


Varying living conditions, provinces, plain mutations, magic, genes from ‘outsiders’.

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And there was never any of that. The high elves lived in an enchanted forest which had unchanging conditions and climate for thousands of years.


You’re playing a bi-pedal anthropomorphic dead cow.
Whose race’s lore got snapped into becoming Paladins not to long a go.

I don’t think getting granular about skin tone is really applicable in WoW. But we obviously disagree :slight_smile:

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