Darkranger immersion

Is it too much to ask for changing arcane shot to fx. dark shot and maybe give aimed shot a shadowy appearance just to make the darkranger spec more immersive?

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Short answer? Yes.

They had decades to theme skills using glyphs, they didn’t. They sure as heck won’t bother for TWW

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I was expecting Dark Ranger to be this:

  • Serpent sting becomes shadow damage
  • Arcane shot becomes shadow damage (Dark Shot or somethin of the sort…)
  • Your pet’s auto attacks become shadow damage
  • All shadow damage increased by 10%
    and go from there.

What we got instead was:

  • You maintain a shadow dot called Black Arrow
  • This dot has a chance to reset the cooldown of Aimed shot

Enjoy your dark ranger! :smiley:


You act like this is a bad thing, but in reality none of your ‘expectations’ change gameplay in absolutely anyway whatsoever.

At least what we actually got what some minor gameplay changes. Far better than just making a few random spells do shadow damage which changes gameplay in 0 way.

I said “and go from there”, meaning start with a visual change to all magic spells to shadow damage, and implement the gameplay changes on top of that


Your suggestion are MUCH better, seeing they are more passive in their effects. :slightly_smiling_face:

Adding additional bloat, by including extra procs and spells, makes the game lean even further towards min-maxers.

This is btw Covenants all over again, from Shadowlands… :confused: Hero talents won’t “give you the choice of a class fantasy”… There WILL be a more optimal hero tree… Just like there were a “more optimal covenant”…

Hero talents should have been purely cosmetic. :man_shrugging:

Gameplay shouldn’t be changed majorly. All that should be changed, should be passive effects, and visual overhauls to match the fantasies the Hero talents reflect.

And yes, I’m aware that we weren’t promised visual overhauls. However it is a much better idea, as well as during Blizzcon they focused on demonstrating the visual changes, during the “Warrior demo”… which is why some people got the impression that hero talents were as much visual overhauls.

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Whether they end up being related to Dark Ranger or not, hunter is in dire need of more glyphs.


Thing is… when you call this Dark Ranger… you kinda expect what i wrote earlier… i mean its almost strange to NOT expect these things… its naturally where our brain goes when they got announced right?.. we expect new animations new effects and stuff… Any other company that adds these things would do that… Blizzard does the bare minimum almost everytime.

God i hope im wrong :frowning:

Why y’all acting as if we don’t have the “dark ranger” playable already…? Blood elves would like a word.

The hero talents make this immersion official, or what?

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