Darkshore now - how it works

Hello, I returned to WoW after some years when the Shadowlands were released. Now I decided to farm some cool mounts from the previous expansion from the Darkshore, but I have no idea how Darkshore work now since it is a previous expansion content and I haven’t found any information how the location works now since the previous expansion is over. I’ve noticed the area is controlled either by Horde or by Alliance. If it is controlled by Horde I cannot really kill those rares which drop the mounts. I wonder if there is a way to take over the area. Also my character is on a server with a huge fraction disbalance where there are way more horde players than alliance players. Does that affect the likeliness that the area will be controlled predominantly by Horde? Is it possible to travel to other realms where the are is controlled by alliance?

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Darkshore and Arathi were designated as world quest areas for the Warfronts during BfA.

Horde and Alliance alternate control. As I recall, it’s roughly a 4-week cycle, and the two factions hold it for an equal amount of time.I think there used to be quests at the docks in Boralud where you could donate mats in a quest, and that allegedly sped it up a teeny bit, but no - in practice there is nothing you can do but wait for the status to change with the calendar. The contributions didn’t do much even when it was current.

Cycle of Content

There are four stages that the cycle of Warfronts and how Arathi Highlands and Darkshore changes. Using the launch of Darkshore in December 11 as an example of a Warfront cycle:

  • The Horde starts with ownership of Darkshore on December 11th. Alliance players must challenge this by contribution profession items, gold and War Resources to help their faction build up enough strength to attack. This is a region-wide effort.
  • Once enough contributions are supplied by the region, the Warfront: Battle for Darkshore unlocks and Alliance players are able to queue for the experience. This queue remains open for an entire week, allowing players to complete the Warfront at least once on a schedule that works for them.
  • After this queue time comes to an end, the Alliance takes control of Darkshore, giving them access to a unique World Boss, a serie of rare spawns, and World Quests only available while the Alliance controls the zone.
  • After losing control of Darkshore, the Horde then begins contributing resources to challenge Alliance control.

The contribution phase for a Warfront lasts between 3 to 5 days, then the Warfront is queueable for the faction launching the contribution effort for the next 7 days.

Thanks, this is what I was looking for. So basically for month now the place will be held by Hord and then to switches to Alliance?

For two weeks. It’s not quite two weeks each per month, but that’s an approximation.


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