Darksorrow (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hi guys,

Kopitarka, tauren hunter - former Restless GM back from MC and BLW raid times. Planning to give it a go again so if you want to reconnect please do :slight_smile:


Tronos, enhancement Shaman.

I moved to the boulderfist server when the cataclysm expansion arrived. I always regretted that move… It has lost a bid of it’s soul then when I left Darksorrow.
Also Tronos isn’t my main anny more.
But I will hang around on the new classic realms! :slight_smile:

Sorry to say I can’t recall you man, I was really young back then(and I was a bit of a dick tbf). Still, It is nice to be remembered. What server you going to hop onto?

Striderx UD mage
I started playing late vanilla and wondering if there is still active members from.most awesome guild called Red Cross Org…Lelik you alive? Yes Cadavru i remember you, have you changed?:grin::grin:


I see some familiar names here, especially Kalmy & Muffy!

I played Gulrakk throughout most of this server, then I made a troll priest (Dastooli) maybe either of those names ring a bell to anyone!

I’ll be playing on Golemagg as Dastooli :slight_smile:


Sup all,

Taurath - The Funeral Directors, male cow hunter.

Oh man it’s been so long… Remembering all the familiar guild names… RUIN, Muffin Militia, Replica, Flying Circus, Ninjapartio, Karhuveljet.

Golemagg or Shazzraz?

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Dalmaz Troll warrrior
Guild: Restless

Durn/Dhurn Tauren Warior Guilds - RUIN - Restless - Conclusion

Crazyorc - Orc tank in the Bloodrapture guild.
I remember people occasionally asking me to open UBRS.

Hey Koobi! :slight_smile:
I can only recall Liagora from bloodrapture. All other names have faded away.
I wish someone had recordings or screenshots of the raids.
There used to be a recording of Bloodrapture fighting Ragnaros on youtube posted by a shaman. Unfortunately I am not able to find it anymore. I guess it got deleted or hidden.

Edit: I also remember Elturco, an orc warrior that reached pvp rank 13. Just wanted to drop the name in case someone else remembers playing with him :slight_smile:

Hightower - Muffin Militia.

Was good times :slight_smile: will probably make a character on Zandalar Tribe & Shazzrah with the same name.


Hooray from The Danish Brigade.
UD priest.
I did alot of pvp and was in a few premade teams back then.

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My favorite dane!
Long time no see :wink:
if you have discord. Pls add me on: NiiZ#4907

Pretti - Troll Priest
Muffin Militia and RUIN

Playing on Noggenfogger - Horde
Name: Engl


Hey kopitarka nice to see you Dalmaz here, im going Shazzrah pvp server can add me if you want Dalmaz#2622

Hi Kopitarka,
was one of your chars Kopito also? Played with Samuelwolf (I think it was the name, shaman)? If so, you bought my FF Remanufacture :wink: Hoping to play with you this time

Rageplant, tauren druid

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Xero : Troll Hunter
Nÿx : Undead Priest
Moros: Resto Druid
Lopan: Undead mage


Twau - Undead Rogue from RUIN
Will try out Classic for some nostalgia :slight_smile: Fun to already recognize player names in the thread from the vanilla days!

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Wow rageplant, sounds soo familiar, cant place you ffs, ur gf was also playing? Or i mixed up.something…were u in stormlords early tbc?

Hi Dalmaz, added you as Seki#21773 - will be seeing you in Azeroth! Will be on Shazz Horde and few others servers to see which ones suit me best (queues, team i find etc…)

Hi Thrilla,

No Kopito and Samuelwolf were RL friends that played, but i did hang out with them alot (they were officers when we raided MC & BWL). He was a really great guy, sadly we lost touch. Hope to see you around, add me for a dungeon run or something :slight_smile: Seki#21773