Hi guys,
Kopitarka, tauren hunter - former Restless GM back from MC and BLW raid times. Planning to give it a go again so if you want to reconnect please do
Hi guys,
Kopitarka, tauren hunter - former Restless GM back from MC and BLW raid times. Planning to give it a go again so if you want to reconnect please do
Tronos, enhancement Shaman.
I moved to the boulderfist server when the cataclysm expansion arrived. I always regretted that move… It has lost a bid of it’s soul then when I left Darksorrow.
Also Tronos isn’t my main anny more.
But I will hang around on the new classic realms!
Sorry to say I can’t recall you man, I was really young back then(and I was a bit of a dick tbf). Still, It is nice to be remembered. What server you going to hop onto?
Striderx UD mage
I started playing late vanilla and wondering if there is still active members from.most awesome guild called Red Cross Org…Lelik you alive? Yes Cadavru i remember you, have you changed?
I see some familiar names here, especially Kalmy & Muffy!
I played Gulrakk throughout most of this server, then I made a troll priest (Dastooli) maybe either of those names ring a bell to anyone!
I’ll be playing on Golemagg as Dastooli
Sup all,
Taurath - The Funeral Directors, male cow hunter.
Oh man it’s been so long… Remembering all the familiar guild names… RUIN, Muffin Militia, Replica, Flying Circus, Ninjapartio, Karhuveljet.
Golemagg or Shazzraz?
Dalmaz Troll warrrior
Guild: Restless
Durn/Dhurn Tauren Warior Guilds - RUIN - Restless - Conclusion
Crazyorc - Orc tank in the Bloodrapture guild.
I remember people occasionally asking me to open UBRS.
Hey Koobi!
I can only recall Liagora from bloodrapture. All other names have faded away.
I wish someone had recordings or screenshots of the raids.
There used to be a recording of Bloodrapture fighting Ragnaros on youtube posted by a shaman. Unfortunately I am not able to find it anymore. I guess it got deleted or hidden.
Edit: I also remember Elturco, an orc warrior that reached pvp rank 13. Just wanted to drop the name in case someone else remembers playing with him
Hightower - Muffin Militia.
Was good times will probably make a character on Zandalar Tribe & Shazzrah with the same name.
Hooray from The Danish Brigade.
UD priest.
I did alot of pvp and was in a few premade teams back then.
My favorite dane!
Long time no see
if you have discord. Pls add me on: NiiZ#4907
Pretti - Troll Priest
Muffin Militia and RUIN
Playing on Noggenfogger - Horde
Name: Engl
Hey kopitarka nice to see you Dalmaz here, im going Shazzrah pvp server can add me if you want Dalmaz#2622
Hi Kopitarka,
was one of your chars Kopito also? Played with Samuelwolf (I think it was the name, shaman)? If so, you bought my FF Remanufacture Hoping to play with you this time
Rageplant, tauren druid
Xero : Troll Hunter
Nÿx : Undead Priest
Moros: Resto Druid
Lopan: Undead mage
Twau - Undead Rogue from RUIN
Will try out Classic for some nostalgia Fun to already recognize player names in the thread from the vanilla days!
Wow rageplant, sounds soo familiar, cant place you ffs, ur gf was also playing? Or i mixed up.something…were u in stormlords early tbc?
Hi Dalmaz, added you as Seki#21773 - will be seeing you in Azeroth! Will be on Shazz Horde and few others servers to see which ones suit me best (queues, team i find etc…)
Hi Thrilla,
No Kopito and Samuelwolf were RL friends that played, but i did hang out with them alot (they were officers when we raided MC & BWL). He was a really great guy, sadly we lost touch. Hope to see you around, add me for a dungeon run or something Seki#21773