In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Darksorrow in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Kalmy - Vrede
Dags att lösa så jag får mitt Eskhandar set!
Jovan, Orc Warlord Enhancement Shaman
I was in Adrenaline PvP guild. Looking forward seeing you all again 
EDIT: Planning on rolling Horde Gehennas-EU
Grognak, Tauren Shaman
I’m wondering if Desilcium, Tauren Druid is still out there!
Greenbean, Orc Shaman.
It’s amazing how names I haven’t heard in 13 years still linger at the forefront of my memories.
Graendal, Troll Priest
Priors of Sion / Fallen from Grace
Gnomeslayer Orc warrior / Gnomecuddler Troll mage
Going Alliance this time…havent played Alliance back in Vanilla
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Seeing alot of names that I remember 
Plaguedeath and Apparition. Orc and UD Rogues.
Revenant, Risk, Vehemens
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Fashion, male UD mage, guild Replica.
Piizh, Orc Female Warrior
Nizque, Troll Female Priest
Superhyped for the release of classic, hope to see some old faces out there!
Nadim, if you see this, let me know you’re alive.
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Bassen Tauren Warrior + all the other classes
Golemagg in Classic
Horde side
Add me on discord Bassen#2176 for more info about guild etc (Du med Kzasch :D)
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Koobi undead warrior played in bloodrapture guild
Greenbean old friend. Found you!
Galeldor, Undead Mage. Guilds: Stockholm Syndrome, Eternal Heroes, Omega(GM)
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Name : Imaginary
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Hello everyone i cant belive its been 13 years.
I used to do alot of ganking in Redridge mountains with some really awesome people back in the day. We always parked our lvl 60 characters there and raised hell for the leveling alliance players with our newly dinged lvl 20 characters.
(EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AT 20.00 PM) And once things got a bit too hot to handle we popped back on our 60’s and started cleaning the area xD.
I remember one specific guy named Braggoth. you were a Tauren hunter who had this crazy pet bird called Pecky. We could never decide if Pecky was male or a female bird. our discussions could go on for HOURS. Everytime you logged in you kept asking me the same question over and over “Do you play Guitar?! :P” We had a blast and you always cracked me up! If anyone recognize me please let me know. would be so much fun talking to old friends again!
Undead Male Mage
I remember you, good to c some oldies around here 
Hi guys,
Some of the old Vehemens crew is planning on starting over on Shazzrah - horde side, if you’re interested feel free to drop by.