Darkspear Alliance Reconnections

Hey buddy! Still here, ready to blast off again!

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I’d be glad to join that list, and get back to playing with you guys!


JAYJAY! LONG TIME NO SEE! Ofc you are welcome to join up! :slight_smile:


Eriths post now has be torn so I’ve made an alt “Apples” on Mirage so maybe I’ll end up with all of you guys!

Apple was taken :c

That would be very nice Apple! I remember you from Darkspear days. =)

Join Discord Apples!

Not sure if anyone will remember me, but I was a Female Night Elf Druid under the name of Cynn, used to tank and heal. only guilds I was part of that I can remember are the “Odd sponge tribe” “Lords of dungeons” “UK Guardians” and “Heroes of the Alliance”

didn’t reach max level in classic, but was definitely around then.

would be great to re-connect with players and maybe even join you all :slight_smile:

Hey Kylde… I think I remember your name! Join in the discord channel to discover more players!

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Hah, had a feeling I’d see RV people here. Drunk Friday night raids and realm firsts anyone? :wink:

Precede/Healzer here - (Healzer in original RV, Precede in end-TBC+ RV)

Shoutout to Random Violence members! Erith, you were in RV too, so shoutout to you as well! And Papitar of course. Was he a GM? Time to come clean!

Caress/Jazmine and I will be playing Classic for sure, but have rolled on “the other server” :frowning:

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Yea I was there. Papitar and Mirith too. I had to defend Mirith in every officer meeting not to gkick him :smiley:

At the end I gkicked him out.

Honestly I do not remember your name Kerzi, but I was part of The Renegades, playing with a silly first character Night Elf warrior named Nightknight.
I do recall the names of Samoflange, Locke, Gideon and Falken, but not from many others… It’s been so long but the memories of Samoflange offering me a tabard when joining The renegades still remains <3

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Wow, quite a few names popping up i remember and guilds that i remember a few people from. Unfortunately for me my work friends are going horde so looks like im going to the dark side and on a pvp realm…not sure which as my preregister names of gemballa are all on “full” realms.

Delorean i think i remember us having a chat about cars one night as most of the names i had back in vanilla were car related as i think i had low level alts called porsha and a drood tank called furrari. Cant remember that well ss was uni days and a lot of drink was involved lol.

I remember being in a leveling guild called fearless crusade in vanilla days before co founding a few different casual raiding guilds with medusa being the best known in wotlk era.

Think i will roll a couple alliance chars on the old raceway when we can do our 50 limit as im still not sure about being horde lol. Who knows, you guys may see me at 60 on a rogue drood or hunter lol

Äm- night elf hunter in a guild called Swedish alliance~ I’m looking for my ingame husband Lejonet …Our children miss u…;_;

Everyone welcome to join discord channel: ECDQwjM

I remember your name Nightknight. Samoflange was a funny character. Good to see a few RENEGADES members =)

I dinged 60 about 3 weeks prior TBC so people who only played Vanilla won’t know me, butduring TBC and WOTLK I raided with Demise and Deus as Beckz the mage, and a hunter called Magnum. Feeling nostalgic seeing the old names in this thread :slight_smile:
Full time job and a daughter limit me from playing a lot, but I’ll definately pop in when the dust has settled a bit!!

I played this character when I first started at the end of Vanilla. She was a night elf then but I race-changed a few years back because of how bad the new night elf models are. I was in a guild called Shadow Souls which eventually merged with another (I forget their name) and we became Divine Souls.

We were the casual of casuals and no one was great at playing their class, most of it being made up as we went along. I was a warrior but I never tanked and didn’t know the first thing about it. If I was forced into the role because no one else could do it, I tanked as an arms warrior and just hit everything really hard and hoped it died before we did. It didn’t help that my healer was usually a feral druid as the resident priest in our group preferred to DPS. Ah, good times.

Others in the guild I remember are Knof, Marlene, Oigawolvin, Razielle, Celahir, Foskett. I know Razielle has rolled characters on Classic but I haven’t heard from the others in a while.

I used to play as a Night Elf Rogue called Droknar, I was in The Munqui Tribe guild. Would really love to reconnect with old members so if any of you are around please comment and let me know!

Lodjuret, from the guild FATE was just prior to TBC merged to the guild Imperium

I didn’t start playing until the end of Vanilla but my first character was a night elf hunter called monanoke. During the beginning of tbc I rolled a Druid called dodrop and raid tanked all the way to the end of wotlk until I stopped playing. I was in a few guilds - heroes, helix, from the ashes, ez, the silver dragons and last mkultra. Trying to remember names in my old age is hard but a few I remember are skyhunter and her husband( he was in random violence a Resto Druid called something like calamari his real name was alex), bananabomb the mage who I spent many nights doing wpvp, Telbo a resto pally who I spent many long nights raiding with. I’m now on mirage raceway playing a Druid called Catseye (alliance of course).