In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Darkspear in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Well, guess no one else is on here yet so looks like i will get this started. I used to play a night elf rogue called Gemballa back in classic. Unfortunately i was not around for most high end stuff as i think i got to level 56 before the release of BC, so i am not sure how many will remember me that early on. During BC and WotLK i was more well known due to co founding some raiding guilds including fearless crusade and medusa and moving to my hunter called nevah as my main.
Some of my other charchters included a holy/disc priest called carerra, a druid tank called furrari as well as several other characters.
Some of the names i remember from the early days are Salajan (human warlock) iffen (mage), grimcin (hunter) and blomminski (hunter)
I am not sure if i will be going alliance again as my work friends are all going horde so i may join the dark side but hopefully the pvp ques will be shorter 
Hey, I used to play alliance back in vanilla as a NE Hunter as ShadowEX in the guild Dutch Alliance, Though as soon as BC came i went horde as a BE Rogue by the name of Blazzez which i still use till this day but without the peope from back then 
Funny enough, I actually don’t remember the name of the guild but I’ve played mainly a rogue called Nikilein (if I am not mistaken). Gnome Rogue actually 
I’ve only played for about a year after the server went live.
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lf ppl who where in soldiers of fortune
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I had a Mage called “Knot” on Darkspear towards the end of Vanilla and into TBC (the name was later revoked by Blizzard and given to someone else!) I think my first guild was The League of Alexstrasza. HAd a lot of fun playing with Ickle, Elsivor, Chesterfield, Zenrithor, Mitelhem, Rabu and many others… Didn’t really find my stride with raiding until TBC, but now I have a second chance to see that content… love to catch up with anyone who knew “Knot”, or my TBC healer called “Knoteva”.
so I’ll admit that I started just after bc but a lot of people I made friends with had started in vanilla I used to be under the name moonlegend (I was 15 leave me alone)
if anyone remembers me or recognises me feel free to hit me up I’ll be playing under the name ruine on one of the pvp servers for classic
Hi fellow Darkspear people
I was playing as Joeyt in the NERF guild, lots of nice people on the server, will be interested if people will be playing again!
I was in soldier’s of fortune… this lock was deamonlover but my main in the guild was peacekeeper … i
My name was Delorean in Darkspear EU alliance circa 2005/06 I was in Arte et Marte, RV, Deus. Any guys knocking about ?
My name was and still is the same on wow, Kerzi.
I was a Night Elf, Rogue and was in the guild Dragon knights (formally known as The Renegades).
People I remember in that guild are Locke, Gideon, Müller, Bacuda, Jonnd, Elfinator, Samoflange, Falken, Huntina and I’m sure there are others I can’t remember.
Outside the guild I knew a rogue called Flushes and a mage call Blink (could be wrong with the name).
Also, I use to have a rivalry with a Horde player called Lazak (Hunter).
Great era.
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Hi, I didn’t play Vanilla, but did play BC onwards and only stopped playing regularly after Cata. My name was and still is Prometheous on my Warrior main, I had many friends on DS who have now given up playing. Would be great to possibly reconnect with any of them, that are going to give Classic a try!!
Hi everyone,
I’m Erith from Darkspear (not a paladin, actually a warrior). I’ve played in Darkspear since it opened… which means many many many years.
In (A) guilds like: Force Majeur, Hakkapeliitta (GM/Officer), Exitium (GM)…
I remember Delorean from Arte et Marte since we did a successful outdoor boss raid together (with Hakkapeliitta). I think it was one of the emerald dragons in Duskwood.
We been playing together (every here and there) with the same players who existed in Exitium. Next our aim will be classic server opening.
All of you old Darkspear players are welcomed to join our project! Casual gaming and some raiding later…
“May the next decade be as good…”
Easiest way to contact us is through Discord: ECDQwjM
We will be looking home from: Mirage Raceway - Alliance - Pve.
Yours <3,
Erith / Evean / Skales / Riemu
In the project so far:
Sotalammas / Mutsumi
Darkmezz / Mezzie
Dreamevil & Superplaap (promised to play against us in pvp)
(…and many more who didn’t play in Darkspear)
Nikilein, went to Nagrand realm? :o
Well i doubt any one remeber me but i was in Fate , my char name was Lorex ,Human Paladin , pretty much looking to connect with old guildies and 1 dude named Malinov xD if you wanna chat about the old times add me lorex#2928 im also on golemagg same name
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So strange that I recognise most of the names you’ve all listed so far… really was a different time!
I played on both Alliance/Horde on Darkspear - Most people knew me as Apple but I played mostly on my Priest Sushu or my horde paladin Sketch
I’ll be playing Alliance on Gehennas called Lights if anyone wants to send me a whisper 
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I used to be Drudmaster, Malfarion and Derthalas back in my vanilla/tbc/wotlk days, during TBC Out of Order and NERF (iirc), during WotLK PhantasmaGoria, and more recently during MoP and WoD I was Joorad on Fire Field and Contingency.
I’ll be rolling on Mirage Raceway, Horde side!
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My first character was Hellonearth, male nelf warrior. I eventually ran a guild called Night Blades with some pretty awesome people, we never did raiding or anything but it was damn good fun. I think i may even have been “married” to one of them in-game. Anyway, add me on Bnet Crackers#21913
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