Datamined re-colour of hunter tier 20 set and the future of hunter sets/mogs

Listen to me Blizzard, the ToS hunter set is one of the absolute worst looking hunter sets in the game and as a timewalking thing, you decided to re-colour it to something that looks like a weird blueberry icecream with strawberry coating. Unless people are going to try to look as ridiculous as they possibly can, no one is going to wear this crap. This, as well as watching what hunter sets have been looking like over the past 2-3 years after the legion, I am very anxious to see the future hunter sets, which I’m sure they are working on for 9.2 patch. Please Blizzard, just move the artists working on hunter sets away from their job to do something else and hire someone new who has the right perspective on Hunter’s fantasy look. Please stop releasing mail sets that are very clearly made with “ok so this is going to be shaman set, but since it’s for hunters too, let’s tone it down a bit” in mind - which hurts both classes really because both Castle Nathria and SoD sets are utter trash (I’m talking about the completed sets - the chest piece and legs piece look very nice, I’ll give them that). I want to look like a hunter, not like a confused shaman.

Also, as a side note/request. Can you also please add more simple looking bows to the game? I just hate how 95% of bow transmogs are just oversized garbage that looks like it was created either in a toilet or came from space aliens.

I beg you Blizzard.

Looks like someone didn’t play the game back in TBC when Hunters actually had to wear this tier set when transmog didn’t exist…

Yea the head piece is questionable but the shoulders are awesome.

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Personally I think the sets itself (t6 and t20) are pretty cool. I like the designs, but this recolour is pretty awful.

If you’re playing anything other than hardy looking McZuggy Zug Zug, most of these sets just hurt to look at. Antorus set is a good example of a universal, good looking set. It’s excellent looking on all races. When it comes to horde and transmogs, most of them are made with orcs in mind, which is sad.

T6 and t20 mythic are one of the few hunters sets that i like

Nam nam done

Well I guess I am happy the Warlock recolour looks absolutely badass.

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Yeah ,it’s bit much " disco rave " for a hunter ,i would say.

DK and Warlock one are top notch tho.

I am waiting for the DH one as they had claws attached to their gloves. Maybe they get green fail nails? O_O

Imagine if the blueberry colour was like a black or maybe grey, that would have looked really cool with the red I think. But they might have to change the bone colour in that case.

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Alright. They just showed druid one. Guess I pass on that one too :'D

Lol that one looks weird, why it it yellow at the top but green at the bottom lol.

The shoulders and helm look like the original mythic colour.

What even is that hunter set, they’re literally having a laugh making that. Look at archer sets in ff14, then look at that mess :joy:.

The helm by any means is exactly the same…

Finally we get clown sets

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I am not fan of a watermill shoulders ,but robe and gloves are nice.I can see using those pieces in combination with something else.

In my opinion warlocks got the best recolor out of all.
If Blizzard made these sets black and red all will look awesome; there’s not enough black and red or even grey and red transmog pieces in the game right now.


THe coloring is terrible yes
but saying NO ONE will wear this is too much :smiley:
there are people who like weird things

It does look bad on Nelves but i bet it will look decent on Taurens :smiley:

I think the point is that they dont want them to look too good as they rapidly devalue the elite sets from those pvp seasons? My guess…