Date the poster above you<3 #2

You dare diss Princess Syansette?

Sorry, no deal after this!

Hi Pippy, want to be my Longstocking?

Gets obliterated by the pure Canadianess of that pun

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Yes. Bring it.

How about no?

Definitely yes :wolf:

First off. Put on some clothes you perverted creep.

Secondly, I donā€™t date mad, undead beasts.

I am wearing the new set that comes with pre order.

It is not showing.

Hi, I want to meet you better and form a wonderful friendship that will last for years. :slight_smile:

Crown society member, we will have drink

Bit wonky at the moment

You lookā€¦ cold
Can I offer you a warm wolf fur pelt to wrap around youā€¦?
Iā€™m inside it but thats make moreā€¦ fun :wink:

It is a deal.

Veshj lives in Orgrimmar currently, but she can travel to the Eastern Kingdoms to meet a renā€™dorei.

No! no! bad dog! youā€™re a corpse, you donā€™t get to have feelings.

So it seems, sad.

I mean, sure. I do not see why not. But honestly, if you donā€™t like coffee weā€™re going to have some problems.

Pity you are not blondā€¦ I prefer blonds over gingers. But I think we can have someā€¦ fun together. Just donā€™t forget the safe-wordā€¦ and a coffee

Iā€™m more of a milk drinker.

Veshjā€™ grew up on a farm, after all.

I do not date the living dead. Or animals. So begone.

Do I still need to come save your farm?

Only if you work well together with a coffee drinking blood elven rogue and a arcane using void elf mage. :wink:

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Nah Iā€™m fact Iā€™m pretty good thanks

I wonder what kind of coffee dwarves have?

Do tell.

Iā€™m starting to wonderā€¦ where are all the ladies at? So no, i will not date you, sir. But do have a free sample of our delicious sausage on a stick. * offers*