Date the poster above you<3 #2

Well, well, well.

Three fine orc lads in a row, huh?

*nocks an arrow to her bow*
11/11/2018 20:27Posted by Ghazpeshi
Good, then jump on my carpet young orc.
our own Thousand and one Night!? What a thrill it would be!
I got a cure for that, my friend.

Its called ''Snort a knife to the brain!''
Or we can just call it 'Love' :)
If that carpet is flying in the open skies, it might be in range for some arrows...
Well, frankly.


Hey, why not?

Out of scientific curiousity - how flexible are you?

I mean, if it involves a lot of booze and snuff, sure. Like that stuff. And I like ladies too. If they donā€™t try to kill me at midnight when I pretend Iā€™m asleep, that is.

You bring the booze and Iā€™ll build a large treehouse where you can sleep in.

No youā€™re too skinny.

Youā€™re too dead for me.

Jut night elven enough for me :wink:

Round 2, darling? :kiss:

Been there. Done that-. Oh wait no, that was just a dream.

At the risk of sacrificing my pretty complexion, thatā€™s a definite no!

Iā€™m sure we can get a paladin to buff you with blessing of protectionā€¦ :kissing_heart:

I have nothing to lose.

A little hair, maybeā€¦

Ah, why not.

when mommy takes off her belt :blush:


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Iā€™m not picky enough to deny these two up aboveā€¦