Date the poster above you<3 #2

Poor people’s clothing.

It’s a tough living, being exiled for using the void :frowning:

I have a spare room if you’re willing to spill some “Horde secrets”…

I will spill your guts sooner than I spill any secrets

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I recall relationship being a give-and-take affair, no?

How do I put this politely? Too cold to cuddle.

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Can I crash at your place? I promise I won’t treat you as the servant race you are… much :frowning:


By which I mean “no thank you, my charming EUW NO”

Sorry hun, I’m a married man. And I’m not all into fangs, horns and claws.

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I’ll pass broski.

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Why do I want to hit your ugly smug face with something very heavy again? No, no and no!

Who’s a good boy! You are! Yes you are! You wan’t a biscuit? Oh yes you do!

Sure, you’re a night elf, sadly you’re also a druid and that’s not what the Mother Moon intended, since that is the path of the men.

But for the sake of our species, I can look past such minor transgressions.


Filthy Night Elf Scum, I would never stoop to such a low level, such as even being near a Mutant like you!

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How about you and I retreat somewhere more quiet to talk about our lord and saviour, Dambala?

Given your current posse, I’m willing to bet this is the wrong tree…

W-wait - you’re… dead?

Uh, I mean - that’s all - eh, working for you I guess, but - …not for me, sorry!

Hrrm, very well! if only for the sake of the Pandaren Cuisine!

I like your beard. Date me babe.

Play me the ukulele one more time…

If I buy you many drinks, can I peek under your eyepatch?