Date the poster above you<3 #2

Does Eirdarias know that, though?

I think weā€™ve been out before. Letā€™s do it again.

Letā€™s not do it againā€¦

Iā€™d do it again, if only you werenā€™t a warlock! :dagger:

Do you come with a free blueberry wine dispenser?

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ermā€¦ I would if you were not part fireā€¦ I mean my home burned, I am not verry confortable around fire.

Sure, Iā€™ve been on worse dates for sure. And it beats the smell of wet dog and uneducated savages.

Sorry, thatā€™s a no.

ā€œSorry, this girl draws the line at the Fel
Have you ever considered to try another dangerous force of creation instead of the destructive Chaos?
Letā€™s sayā€¦ something more primodial, something not that shiny and warm
I doubt they let you near the Sunwell anyway with your Fel ā€œtaintā€, soā€¦ no loss there
And the Void even scared the great Sargerasā€¦ donā€™t forget, basically the Legion (or what remained of it) is the enemy of Darkness, enemy of the very thing that caused so so much misery for your people! The Legionā€¦ the Scourge, then the corruption of your noble Princeā€¦ I guess itā€™s your way to have revenge , to bend them to your will, but consider my offer!
Lets talk it over, lets say, over a dinerā€¦? Maybe you will see, pardon the pun, the lightā€¦ā€

Whatā€™s the fun in that?!

Sorry, I canā€™t people who puts limits on my chaotic destructive interests.

May as well grab you now before you go Hordeā€¦

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Noā€¦ justā€¦ no.


Well hello there gnome and elfie i sense a steamy romance between us.

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Off that elf that pretends to be the champion of our guild paladin.
Tonight youā€™re riding that runeblade.

Waiting until masses die of sexual diseases and we get to bodies.

Letā€™s do some bone-ing. :wink:

Please Hugues, no need to be a sore loser. You are just mad that a elf and a female ontop of it became the champion and not you. Your old scarlet logic needs to die out. :^)

Come on a date with me and iā€™ll make sure you die out.

Try me more, IĀ“l surely trip you off your feet harder. :smirk:

Last I remember, you kept getting on your knees for me. You little powerbottom.