Date the poster above you<3 #2

I have a hat however, and it’s better than yours.

But maybe I can help you find a good hat fashion sense.

Making yourself an obvious target for those that dislike (fel) magic? NO thanks, I didn’t grow this old just to paint a target on myself.

For the rest, yes I would date ya!

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Allrighty, but only if you drink.

And once you tucked off i will steal all ya trinkets.


As long as you don’t play the bagpipes 24/7, I think we could make this work.

I’m game, we can sacrifice some Hordies to Elune too!

How Barbaric and uncivilised.

I guess I can leave you with a parting joke.
How do Kaldorei cook?
Pretty well, the ones from Teldrassil were a bit over cooked though.


You -just- made my evening! I love a troll who appreciates food when it’s cooked from the world(tree). If you ever need a date, please let me hear it.

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Risk of disease 100%
Being unwanted orc check
I’m in

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Pi… I mean orc
Risk of dying of lack of hygiene
Wants a strong women

I guess we’ll have to part ways… luckily.

stares at the elf saying she can’t kill ‘this’ to another fellow Horde member and considers killing the Nightborne because that sounded pretty psychopathic

Only if you are in human form.

Also, what did the night elf say?

Can’t your read, she said

“(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)”

Such a fine opinion if you ask me.

Also, a no from me, because you can’t read. and now for a joke.
What type of Elf hates crips?
A Blood Elf.

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Fight me, you motherless son of a night elf!


Pretty sure that Nightborne said
“Aw, how cute!

I can’t kill this!”

I’ve no idea how to kiss worgen so I’m going to have to PASS.

Yes. :(((((((((((

Split personality disorder…?

No that’s me

I don’t do Panda’s.

Sadly, I don’t do skinny elves. :frowning: