Date the poster above you<3 #2

Your death will be slow and horrible

So i suppsoe i’ll go on a date just because i can and to lure you into a inescapeable trap

I like an honest man. But you’re honest about murdering me. Decisions…


Me be honest mon. winks

I… I’ll pass.

I mean, I can do a dinner date. And by “do” I mean “ya payin’ for it”. And by “date” I mean “just me”.

But ya still payin’.

I…im not sure

Sure i like some good goblin company but the end tends to be a little…
… Explosive

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Sure. Orcs have malleable souls, I am sure we can make something useful of you.

Dem elves be tasty. Let me cook de dinner, eh?

Elves sure are tasty. Trolls… not so much.

WHy hello there.

Let’s talk magic wiggles non-existent eyebrows suggestively

You said that you’d fight me. That’s a time, place, and an activity! I guess it counts, technically.

Can I get the setting right? Swim suits, mudpool, drinks afterwards, the whole shebang?

Mind you, i do not like males in -that- way. Though you’d make a perfect virmen hunter on my farm. Just hop into those holes and fish around till you got rid of all of them.

Only if you promise me a piggy ride back!

Not the romantic type, huh?

takes out the Tauren Shooter 2000, Uh I mean the Vermin shooter ofcourse

I don’t date guys, but for you I’ll make an exception :wink:

Exception or not! Those virmen are not going to run themselves behind that hill. Get to work if you want beef for diner!

Beef? Eh, why not.

Yes. This could be us and I hope you’re not playin’.

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Ohh Hello Handsome!

yes lets go on a culture crash date!