Day 15 - Daily Bot Reminder

Daily reminder of the massive bot problem we got. At least try to fix it, Blizzard.


another day another daily bot reminder thread. keep it going.


Taking bets how many days we’ll reach before it’s addressed. I’m guessing 36 days.

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There’s a new hyped MMO coming out in 10 days, which promises to have actual GMs monitoring the well-being of the game, unlike some companies that fired 95% of their customer support workers who made a live game in check.

My guess we’ll hear something about the bots in next 10 days as a very short [minded] response.

I think you’re way off.
Especially when Blizzard is busy threatening it’s employees into silence and passing round nude pictures of female employees forcing them to take their own life.

But let’s be genuine here, this side of the fence does not involve money while the bots provide money.
Money is all that matters to this company.
Simple as.

I’m guessing never :cry: Or the basic automated response saying they’re doing everything they can (except employing actual GMs to combat this obvious problem)

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