Day 2 of lfg being broken

The shop works alright though


there is a non zero chance it won’t be fixed till tww :wink:

I will do this post daily till its fixed


Cant play because i cant form groups. Pls fix it already.

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fair … if u wont make daily ill do …

Good. Now, this game can become an MMORPG.

Go to /1 and start engaging with people and discussing with them.
You may also go to Durotar/Elwynn where all the PvP players are usually dueling. You’ll find some decent folks to play with there.

Same here, cant join any group be it arenas, raids or w/e but for some reason starting a group works perfectly for me.

Yeah it’s a little bit nostalgic in that department.

I’ll make it on time don’t worry

I don’t know for your realm, but here there are always between 10 and 20 people chilling or dueling there. Usually they have decent CR and XP.

Someone has to finance Bobby’s pension, do you really think 200 Million $ is enough for a Poor man?

idk, sounds like a Main City Afk simulator to me until the small indie company can fix it, i thought they had a Ptr to test stuff like this

idk if i should or not say this, but you can actually fix this yourself atm, by going into setting sand changing the mature language filter

do what you want with this information

credits to wowhead for posting this as soon as the LFG was changed :slight_smile:

doesnt work for everyone, me and a friend tried it :frowning:

maybe some addon block it too

ah that idk

my only addons are
DBM, Detail, NameplateCooldowns, BattlegroundEnemies, TrufiGCD