Day X of mages being unplayble in PvP

Squishy, high mana cost, long cast times, can’t cast = can’t heal / do dmg.

But but shamans have to cast to do dmg! Sure, but they are immortal so they an afford to stand still and cast and once they do they kill someone. If a mage finishes his cast he does 500dmg.

Our only window to do dmg is with instant procs mainly from Frozen orb + Brain Freeze rune. Might help to reduce CD of FO to 30 sec.

Healing in PvP is not happening, maybe if we had permanent Missile Barrage?

Other tips:

  1. reduce mana cost or Ice Barrier, Cone of Cold, Blink
  2. somehow reduce cast time of FFB / SB
  3. undispellable armors
  4. Displacement to break stuns
  5. Mass regen / Regen heals instanly (+ reduce mana cost)
  6. some dmg reduction / higher armor
  7. Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost should be one rune
  8. reduce CD on Ice Block
  9. Living Flame spawns on target
  10. Arcane Barrage is now frost / arcane just like Spellfrost Bolt and is moved to Legs slot for example (or Head slot and then Deep Freeze is made a base spell for mages)
  11. Enigma 4p set bonus applies to Ice Barrier aswell
  12. Icy Veins is a base mage spell
  13. Increase Brain Freeze proc chance
  14. Frozen Orb slows by 60%
  15. Frost Warding buffed to atleast 200% armor

What?? You mean that spells with cast time can’t compete with all the juicy insta cases, chains which pulls, shadow steps and mounts in combat? Whoa, who would have thought??

Destro lock has the same issue, completely garbage in pvp

Bump for fellow mages