Daybreaker gone?

why on earth did you remove daybreaker? why remove a button to press when it was not bloating?
holy healing is not feeling that fun as before, i need this 1 more button to press when needed. It was really good, i had enough space to slot it and it was feeling good when i was pressing it!
you made paladins worse (holy-ret) both in performance, competition and in gameplay.
DF paladin was the best ever bring it back.

You are destroying your game.

T sets for s2 and hero talents are complicating stuff when it was not needed.

You need new devs or bring back the old ones(the ones who made DF).

So we go back to the old days of rmp controling the ladder.
Hunters hiding in the bushes while their pets do all the job.
Rogues being sneaky bastards with ten million ways to restart the fight.

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