This is a pretty long term issue ive had since as far back in to classic launch as i can remember (as in its not worked…possibly ever)
Basically, I don’t get pull timers. I get no visual, i get no audio countdown. If I solo type /Pull 5 or what ever number, nothing happens. It does not a throw a ‘this command doe snot exist’ error or what not, so the line goes through but…nothing, no visual, no audio, nothing on screen.
I’ve tried DBM reinstalls, removing all saved settings, removing all saved settings from WTF …checking everything relating to the pull timer is ticked on (unless there is a setting i have missed).
All I can think of is that some how, the way my game is setup isn’t compatible with the pull timer, whether it be resolution or a certain graphic setting…and that is blocking it somehow? would that make any sense?
To elaborate, I’m actually partially sighted and in turn i have my game setup in a very ‘unique’ way. I run it at a very low resolution (i know that sounds counter intuitive) but at a low resolution the actual elements and ‘objects’ of the game whilst having unnoticeable less detail (for myself) they are LARGER, which helps me a lot. This is how i played back in the og days and how i replicated it for classic launch.
Could this in any way some how interfere with the pull timer? like its…happening but off screen? though i also get no audio count, so im probably stretching a bit there for an explanation.
Oh but i do get audio counts for timers like say timer before nightbane lands, or if i turn the audio count on for any other timer
Just specifically PULL …gives me nothing
If i can’t get it working, i also wondered if a WA could be used to detect the /pull command and in turn PUSH its own timer/audio count. Just so i have something.