Dbm pull timer

Looking for a way to have diffrent pull timers looking if im in a raid group or party group as i need longer pull timers for bosses and shorter in m+ dungeons.

Could you be a bit more specific, for example, why do you need shorter pull timers for dungeons, or longer ones for raids? I think the dbm pull timers can be anything from 1 seconds to 60 seconds. If you wish to modify the timer, just use /pull (seconds) (for example /pull 15 ). I can’t see you needing shorter pull timers than one second, or longer ones than one minute.

If you desperately need longer than one minute pull timers, you can use /break (works the same way as /pull, except seconds are replaced by minutes). I believe that you can have breaks up to one hour, and technically it works the same as /pull, it just has a different text on the bar.


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