I’ve recently got back into wow, and toxicity/ DCs at the slightest inconvenience is tilting. I think players need to be punished/deterred from dicing prior to the end of dungeon. Ideally players should receive a “leaver” player status, which hosts view inside the request to join. Alongside this, players should have a threshold of premature DCs, before they receive this status. E.g. 3 DCs in 3 day period = 2 weeks leaver status
Playing wow and recalling the past two weeks, I have experienced countless DCs from players that don’t care about others. Notably, I receive 2-4 DCs every time I play (5 hour sessions of m+). And alarmingly, I once had consecutive DCs over a 2 hr 30 min period.
I wasn’t able to play the game in my limited, free time
Additionally many players I’ve talked to/ hear from online agree that disconnections are a massive problem. Frequently people in my experience will dc after any of the following conditions:
•1st death
•1 wipe (in keys where this is fine)
•timer finishes
•someone makes 1 mistake
•Spite/ trolling people because they “dislike” them
Overall, DCing has a negative impact for all players and punishes everybody else’s time asides from the offender. This is because we all play to gain flightstones, crests and the chance of good loot. But this often becomes impossible by a minority of players harming the majority. It is unfair for 1 to ruin 4 others time, and the game needs some simple prevention.
I hope this gains traction and we can all get a better game:)
Note: I consistently getting 1st, 2nd dps in m+, high interrupts, low deaths and watching videos on mechanics to make sure that i can provide for the team. (Before people say im the problem)