DC'ed during dung and then got denied access to account by WOW51900328 error

Hello, thing happened 06.12.2024 on patch During dungeon run server sneezed and lagged for 15s or so, basic stuff. After that however i dc’ed and had to log in again. After trying to log in on few characters i got stuck on loading screen around 3/4 of the bar, thrown to character select with “world servers down” message. After trying again few more times i was no longer stuck on character select but i was and still am unable to log into my account and WOW51900328 error pops up. Disabling addons and resetting IU didnt help. My internet connection was fine during incident, i also tried reinstalling the game itself and flushing dns and that did nothing as well.


i have the same issue since ~8PM 06/12/2024 - Burning Legion


Same. - Burning Legion

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Similar thing happend to me on Wow Classic Aniversary Realms yesterday. To my understanding its related to IPs being blocked by Blizzard due to possibile DDoS attack. If you do not have option to change your Public IP only Blizz can unblock you… Unfortunatly I’m in such situation ;(

Same start with cant load characters and now WOW51900328 cant connect to server.
Did repair reset ui no change.Game after i hit play start slow too.

Same here. Poland. Game just dced and i cant log. stuck in loading screen.
i uninstalled and installed the game. no addons. nothing work

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Same. Poland, Vectra is the ISP

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Same problem, Vectra Warsaw ISP too, Burning Legion

Same problem, DC’d while using Burning Legion character, but i can’t connect back on any other character from another server.

Did anyone logged succesfully to game ?

You can try VPN, worked for me. Not even saying that paying another sub to vpn app and changing your server location to other country should be a goto fix. Absolutely disgusting service from blizzard, were being raw dogged once again. Shame, ive got nothing more to say about this situation lol

For me, the vpn solution does not work pops up the message world server is down

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