Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

There is no other place for them. They are on English servers.

Germans, French etc get their own language forums separately because they have their own language realms :wink:


Yes, I do get that.
My bother is with the place and size of it. Just feels out of proportion.

That being said, if it were me I’d give them a server instead. Blizzard doesn’t seem to mind small servers and it probably would end up bigger than the ones people complain about. :>


I recently switched from a Low pop server to a High pop server, Its so different, Well i come form a Medium Pop Server.

Blizzard needs to adress this problem, forcing people to leave their favorite chars behind to begin anew is wrong, I tried it… alot… I got 120’s on 5 different servers, but when i found a new home i brought my main there. The oldest char i have. I have three more i want to bring but i wont ever too expensive,. 25 euro is completely overpriced. Keep trying

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I guess the tech they tried on Brazilian servers didnt work out in 2017.

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Would be really good if they could atleast say they have read this thread .

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I wonder if they did, I wonder of they care?
The thing is, they can easly combine servers, They linked them before.

Just take 5 Low pop alliance realms, 5 low pop horde realms merge them to get a balanced servers and gg.

40-60 is fine, 50-50 better, 60-40 is fine too.
It cant be that hard can it?

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I doubt you’ll get a Dev response. If they have any news they will share it on twitter or announce in a blue post.


I really wish Blizz would give us some info on this to alleviate the frustration.

I’ve been on Earthen Ring/Darkmoon Faire for 10 years (low pop) and it just gets harder each patch to raid mythic… Thankfully I’m in a guild that can pull it off, but when numbers drop at the end of a patch or for holidays there’s no one to recruit, or the people who do want to change guilds go to different servers instead IF they don’t just quit the game.

And it’s typical for everyone to have a few people express their frustration and say “dead server”, “quit wow”, “blizz need to link servers again because we can’t do anything” and since Blizz say nothing to their community about this issue… I have no idea what to tell the guild or raid team when someone is being negative or expressing their want to quit, and thus putting others off raiding also besides “oh… I guess Blizz mentioned a little something at Blizzcon, but no details”.

We talk about the enjoyment of being with friends, the progression we can have in raid, that some people have personal lives, but we run a 25-30 man roster, and get 17-19 people show for Mythic content, and no PuG players on the realm (before mythic cross realm at least)…




Daily reminder

I will never give up…
I’m not waiting for I am always searching
Within me strong forces are constantly lurking

I will never give up…
A noose of confidence to kill all my fear
My Journey is long but a victory is near

I will never give up…
My soul is hungry for something sacred
Voices in my head saying I will make it

I will never give up…
By my vision I have been blinded
With the purpose to run around until I find it

I will never give up…
I allow this desire to take me
I just know one thing
Success won’t escape me

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For a second there i though Daestra is going to rickroll us.


All RP realms desperately need to be connected. Every realm apart from Argent Dawn is absolutely dead - and even AD has been thinning out over the years.

I honestly don’t get why we don’t have a ‘full merge’ of tons of realms (we have too many anyways) and just have things like names and guild names come with a subtle number tag like #3456 or something like that - like how btag names are.

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for some reason I am starting to think Blizzard thinks communities are enough, but they aint even close to be enough,
though if they do not want connect more realms, then work on the communities and make them work as guilds, so anyone from what ever realm they are can join what ever guild they want to, and then at same time connect the AH to all realms, doing that and you sort of have connected every realm there is whitout actualy neededing to physicaly do much at all.



I agree with Luxilo.


DB/GL only 4 raid guilds atm and 1 says its raid guild dus not achieve Curves.
These 3 guilds Kept to a old System and it backfired. And tbh these guild need deal with some issus they have. I gave up on hord Years ago as for raids commity and pugs is the way to go on blight /ghostlands. Also Cross realm Mythic raid stuff has stop its old it holds players back. I as person dont realy bother with Mythic raids much. And defends blizzard on the thing that BFA is good its Players base that spoiled by now. Even if u say hi in Guild chat its commen u get nothing back. This is the player base in a nutshell. And we cant blame blizzard for its player base being Not very social any more. Old days a guild was thing now a days its not. Guild need to evolve more into fun commity,s and Years of ML and offcer abbuse has taken its tol. Sodo pitty Dragon blight/ ghostlands no.

So is the fact Tht only guilds on hord suffer alot atm Blizzard to blame or the guilds.

Ether way to sulution make server transfers cheaper. So they can go from graveyards of old grudges and Years of abuse.

why is silvermoon and draenor so popular realms? I wanted to be in silvermoon because it seems to be the alliance realm since turalyon realm seems to have loads of horde in higher numbers.

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Silvermoon and Draenor are the most popular realms because they are the most popular realms. :slight_smile:

The situation isn’t what it was in Classic, or even what it was before CRZ first infected the game.

What do you want on your realm? LOTS AND LOTS of players. They make the world alive, make lots of guilds with lots of specialties to join. You want players. You want your realm full to the rafters … not quite so full that you have queues to log in, but just short of that.

Since CRZ and War Mode totally destroyed any realm community or identity or faction rivalry, and since you can’t interact with the opposite faction at all outside War Mode, you don’t want any of the opposite faction on your realm, because they are just taking up space that should be used by your faction

Silvermoon and Draenor for Alliance and Horde respectively fill that role exactly.


Having server dedicated to one faction sounds like world of friendscraft to me.
I like the opposite faction to be in my server i don’t like that they dominate most of the important places where its impossible for anyone to do anything and that there is no proper balance faction system to keep one faction to dominate the other (specially by outnumbering them).Heres the thing, i would never join silvermoon knowing that i would not encounter an enemy in popular places like nazjatar or mechagon. Which i know they do because they are in my server sometimes I just never cant find out how often they do.

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With CRZ and WM, they may not be on your server, but they are in your zones.