Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

@Daestra: Under current circumstances most of the current "Medium"s are not fine. It merely means they are in a bit better shape than the “Low” ones.

I am grateful to both you and Sinaaki for uploading CP data to WCR as really few people still bother. In fact, in addition to myself, this month there are only SEVEN other registered users with successful uploads.

Rexxar on WCR:

12 0 0 84 1
13 139 1 0 0

Alleria on WCR:

12 0 0 109 1
13 345 1 0 0

Doomhammer on WCR:

12 0 0 240 2
13 344 2 241 1

Turalyon on WCR:

12 0 0 164 2
13 245 2 175 1

I know those are around midday, not prime time, but please keep in mind that as I noted in an earlier post, Alleria/Rexxar was “High” before connections last week. In those around midday statistics, Doomhammer/Turalyon has better activity for both factions. My “home” can not reach 250 horde total at the time, while you have over 400 and on the alliance side, Alleria roughly ties with Doomhammer, but Rexxar is way below Turalyon. I need to stress the sample is tiny, but I just wanted to give a little bit of perspective.

I am about 99,99% sure whoever is hounding you will be dealt with. Blizzard does not approve of harassment. And if someone persists, please keep on sending tickets.


Will you come back now that they’re doing the merge?

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To be fair, its probably close to a year since i last ran some census scans at all cause i deleted the addon due to having some lag issues. Also havent really been on doomhammer after moving most of my chars back in march.

And i think servers marked as medium also is in reality low pop compared to how it was «back in the day». They still suffer, just not as bad as the low ones. Lets hope these mergers helps.


They seem to have taken a more informed approach with merges this time. Instead of just joining up a load of dying small realms, they’ve learnt from last time and are hooking up more medium realms with a load of others, hopefully this will build a better population that will actually last :slight_smile:


I gave up a few months back uploading, add-on was problematic at the time and not being able to register at the site affected the motivation.

Whoever runs the forum applications over there seems to be a bit out of depth and by the looks of the forum could use some moderators to help out.

Guess I can take another stab at it. Doubt I’ll get in.

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@Shopkeeper: I think Bringoutyourdead burned out shouldering a lot of responsibility he did not particularly want. Had he not held on, WCR would have been gone years ago. Now, with the level squish upcoming and him no longer playing WoW, I can understand why he is not motivated to do a lot of work for free. Not the mention the API changes that previously broke the addon also took their toll on him. :frowning: It is more than a minor miracle that addon and site even exist anymore. :frowning:

On the topic of uploads. You can upload data even without registration. Under the circumstances that is probably your best bet. I am not sure, if new registration applications are even being processed anymore. :frowning:

So I do not have to link anything, I will directly copy Balgair’s message from the WCR forum concerning the site and Bringoutyourdead aka BOYD:

" Just to let the few remaining people here know, it’s not looking great for Shadowlands. I contacted BOYD a couple of months ago, who basically said he’s not working on Censusplus any more, given that the changes forced by Blizz last year virtually killed the addon (ever since then, the top contributors list barely hits double figures each month - most of our members did not return), and the website will need extensive alterations to handle the level squish (which can’t be done in the absence of the site owner, who is very rarely contactable).

Can’t blame him at all; I can only thank him for keeping this running as long as he did: I know he stopped playing WoW several years ago and wanted to hand over then but nobody ever came along with the right skills, so I appreciate the huge amounts of time he’s spent on this site and addon :)

I’d hoped to experiment with the addon myself to get it running for personal use, but I’m no programmer; I could change “120” to “60” in the code, sure, but that isn’t cutting it; it won’t even load and I sure don’t know how to fix it! :lol:

So that’s basically where we stand, if anyone out there can fix the addon for personal use I’d be delighted, but the site at least is probably gone for good. A real shame but I guess we’ve been in decline for a long time, it had to happen someday. The forum will probably continue to exist until someone pulls the plug or the domain expires (I don’t think the host even remembers we exist most of the time), so I’ll keep checking in occasionally, maybe see some of you around!"

Sadly, that is how things stand. After almost 12 years for myself, I will be among the very last people to hang up their gloves at some point in the possibly very near future. If things go really badly, it might be that the pre-patch finally kills both CP and any and all further updates of WCR… :(:(:frowning: Remains to be seen.


Ouch, that’s not a good situation at all.
To me it sounds like a new project/site needs to be done.

I know people whom are capable of it… but seeing they have 0 interest in WoW… that be a no go on them doing it for free/as a passion project.

As to people in the community with the knowhow… can’t say I know any. I’m quite an introvert so I don’t get to know that many people in game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess we can only hope for people to want to step in the moment it completely breaks. But it being rather niche… I don’t think there are many out there.

I have the add-on working atm. So we’ll see how long it will last and I’ll upload the data.

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Ive been on Stormrage since 2005 it was always medium populated realm, somewhere along the way it was merged with Azuremyst and now both of them are really deserted.

Over past couple of years i watched as many guilds and people i used to play with transfered off to Silvermoon, Ravencrest and similar realms because Blizzard for years did nothing to fix the issue.

I do hope we’re in queue for merge otherwise after so many years i’ll also be forced to move. I think enough is enough. :thinking:


I’m positive (and that for a cynic) that by the end we most likely will end up with half the servers (due to connections) we have these days.

So for now exercice patience.

But yeah, they should have done something earlier. Be it free transfers for people on low realms till they had connections sorted out or at the very least offer realm transfers (same price: select however many characters you want to move).

At the same time they should drop the prices of every service, they are overly expensive.

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tbh, im not sure. i enjoy raiding on classic, even though its just MC & ZG. just having people there, and that many is fun.

i did not like BfA at all. the 1 or 2 saving graces (like BfD raid) dont make up for the state it is in. i came back for a day about 2 months ago or so to look at the cloak and such, but it was just so many systems on systems that after getting the basic lego cloak i just logged off again and have not returned since.

i will wait to see what SL has. making things overly complicated with all the systems in BfA does not help new or returning players cause it will be information overload.

there just feels too much like you have your weekly amount of tasks you HAVE to do before you can play the game how you want.

so yeah, i wont say never, but i wont hold my breath. probably just farm old content on 120’s for transmog like i currently do if i bother to log on.

but this is one of the most important topics i think about player satisfaction in the game, and as such, even if i dont play anymore, i feel it should be addressed.


So, am I the only one whos character got squished too early?

I leveled a character to level 110, 2 days before server merge.
Not its got back to level 105…

Made a ticket but the wait time keep raising. Its now on 3 days and 13hrs.

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Did others on your server experience it? Was it during a specific time (during maintenance/just before merge)?

Because it sounds a lot like you experienced a rollback.

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I am very sad to hear that :frowning: You and the others have done so much to keep us informed over the years. :heart:


@Gráinne: Thank you very much for the kind words!

Unfortunately there are further bad news. I heard back from Balgair on the WCR forums. She has tested CP on the PTR and it fails with an error she does not recognize. On top of that, she has found out why certain scans now have massive problems. Apparently certain EU realms (post-connection) are now registering as if they were US realms and that causes .lua file wipes and bad info uploads. :cry:

Unless something really radical happens (and really quickly, too), once pre-patch launches, it is “Game over” for CP and WCR.



Did not notice such but like i posted earlier, my (both) guild (s) rolled back 2 days. People who were removed from guild appeared back into guild and ranks that were changed 2 days ago were changed back. Main roster doesn’t even show most of the members, have to use the old /groster to see them.

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i will alert my gm this may have occurred, as we are experiencing another issue atm ive been told, where Clockwork Orange is not being listed in the guild finder tool post merge.


Quel’thalas and Azjol nerub are now medium pop servers, I hope we get merged preferably with something that isn’t a 95% non english speaking server like Drak’thul.


Well I’m glad that something was finally done.

Shame it was literally years after I and everyone I ever knew from the Ghostlands raiding scene TBC-Cata had gone away. Spent a lot of money getting my characters off that realm :confused:

I wonder how many of those I knew who’ve fizzled/quit would have stayed on, had the mergers been 3-4 years ago.


This issue could be especially prickly for guild that removed members from some serious reason (ours was just rl friends who haven’t played for several years and likely not to come back to wow, so no damage done). If some guild removed member for malicious behaviour for example, that member could be now added back to guild but not visible on main roster (so GM might not notice that member is back in).

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yeah, that was the first worry going to my head :frowning:

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