Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

This stays up until they do something.

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Terenas also needs a bunch of love.
Merge that one with Shadowsong;

Although I doubt Blizzard is listening. Otherwise they should offer free transfers to the smallest servers upon Shadowlands release - because we all know, on the Full servers people have to sit in queue for the first 3 days…

Blizz have so many good tools in the toolbox they’ve used before. But why aren’t they using them? Is it because it’s good money for them to leave people on Dead servers? I doubt it. As people quit the game.

It’s much better keeping a healthy population so people keep playing the game. Not too big, not too small. A happy medium.


High to low isn’t the solution. Low to mid is. Then close down empty or very low servers

Just my opinion of course.


Then why not just merge a server to a mid if everyone would get off the server if it’s closed anyway? Or merge that into another low.

It’s not like high servers will never be high anymore, especially not ones with a 3 day queue just to get in, and that’s the places where people are more likely to move to a smaller server.

If I was offered a free transfer off my current server - I wouldn’t take it. It would mean the server would just get smaller and smaller, especially if I pulled out with my guild + 400+ members. That would be a huge loss for the server and the people behind.

I think preserving the existing communities to a greater extend is the most important part. It’s why the merges have turned out so successfully as it keeps the community intact. Guilds competing with one another, friends and so on, will still be the same - just a lot more people to be part of it. Which now isn’t the case on smaller servers.

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Choice of mid pop servers for those who take it, those who don’t just end up wherever.

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We’re left on empty servers but at least we get clown transmog set to buy in the shop. Yay for us.

Time well spent on development.

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I am pretty sure the artists and devs who create and implement the transmog; have absolutely nothing to do with the network engineers in charge of merging the EU servers…

Complaining about completely different parts of the game, doesn’t really have anything to do, with the population issues.

If Blizz doesn’t have the manpower. Hire some contractors or consultants to do it for them, like any other big company do when they’re short on resources lol.

I feel Blizz art department and artists deserve the praise, all the time, in every expansion.

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I hope they give free transfers in SL, being on a dead realm sucks.

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It sure does, but I wouldn’t expect any free transfers from them. At best: they’ll do more connections at a later day.

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They could also implement a HUGE discount on transfers, like 80% off, but no way Bobby’s gonna permit that :rofl: Yeah, I hope they continue connections, but they are not ideal tbh.


The last announcement for mergers said more would be coming, but nothing more has been said. It’s a shame they couldn’t give us an update on whether they will be looking to do more again anytime soon. Maybe when the current sale is over we might?

Sale is over. Shadowlands is knocking on the door, and it seems like Blizzard have left the job half-done if you ask me.

As soon as the sale started, they stopped. Why can’t they pick it up again? Ther discount on transfers didn’t make the problem any better. Only worse.

All the server I have Ally chars on, have gone from High in Cata/MoP to low now. My old Horde realm, was High for ages, became low in ICC. I paid to move over 9 characters back in the day. Same story now.

It’s only the realms with Horde population that seem to be sorted out for first priority, those and realms with many streamers on, but I have no evidence to back that up, but that’s what it seems like.

I don’t know. Blizzard has dropped the ball on trying to keep the EU realms fairly populated (I’m not even talking about getting all to high. I’d be perfectly happy in a medium pop server tbh)

Get the job done please. The Network engineers obviously know what to do, they’ve done it before in the past. Why stop now?


I suspect they will resume connecting more realms a few months after SL is live. Worst case scenario, it will be done after the last major patch (10.3?) is out.

We need more connections now not few month’s after release, i may as well abonden this realm and start over right now.


We just don’t know as they’ve not shared anything. I could not say if they intend to continue or not but nothing is going to happen while launch of a new expansion is imminent.

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i hope you mean 9.3? lol but even that is FAR too late, thats like another 2 years. the problem with blizzard is we keep saying “ah the next expansion will fix it” and keep giving them another 2 years. thats why we should voice any disapointment straight away. otherwise you get things like some predict with SL, ie. it will be broken on release, but "accept that they will fix it in 6 months with 9.1.

yeah :frowning: they really need to know what they should communicate with us, and the trivial stuff they shouldn’t.

I’m on Draenor EU, while not dead, quite full in fact, the horde tilt is something like 200k horde and 4k alliance. I’m so lonely :pleading_face:

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Draenor suck. I am sorry, but it’s not just bad for Draenor, but my server (low pop) is linked with Draenor in PVP. We’re a very small Alliance population and we’re 1 for every 8 Horde. Warmode is useless having on as we’re being outnumbered like crazy because of the Draenor imbalance.

Same with Battlegrounds. It’s been a completely nightmare since my low-pop realm (+ other low) were grouped with the giant Horde Draenor.

It’s horrible, it’s fixable - yet Blizzard is doing nothing, while they’ve shown time and time again they have the ability to fix this.

I hope things get better for you and me, Johnfred :frowning:


yeah, 9.3, my bad.

It would be late but not that late. :slight_smile:

true, but, some of us have been waiting for action since player transfers were released in mid WotLK or so. so waiting another 2 years on top of 10 years or so doesn’t sound as appealing.

i am so glad i didn’t let this thread die then if there are still major issues out there. its almost like they did a little something to let threads and feelings like this disappear, then leave the problem unsolved!

i personally have not seen any change but then again i am no longer a typical wow player (or am i?). it still seems empty in most places, except icecrown. seeing so many players in one place is nice, but its a shame they’re crowed onto one place, the rare boss. and they still cant deal with lag 16 years on!

so even though ghostlands was meant to be merged with someone, i dont think i’ve seen any players from that server yet. the only change i’ve seen is ghostlands is now listed as “HIGH” population on server screen. i’ve seen no evidence to prove or disprove this, and i hope that blizz’s “fix” wasn’t just changing the status on the server screen in a pseudo fix! (honestly, i wouldn’t put it past them at this point, which is sad that players now think like that).

PLUS guild recruitment tool is still broke! so one of the main issues with dead servers (guilds not being able to have enough players) hasn’t change because they cant passively recruit still! we have put this in as a bug issue and after numerous back and forth with blizzard staff, basically been told, tough luck, there are no plans to fix this.

seriously? wtf attitude is that?

so they still need to fix dead servers it seems?

BUT, they still need to fix the issue of dead factions, as Johnfred shows (and retributor reminds us occasionally). cause a dead faction is as good as a dead server to that faction. in some ways, worse.