Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

I hope Ghostlands recovers… if I remember it was part of the vindication battle group with the sha’tar EU in TBC?

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i want to say yes? i know i was in vindication, but im not sure was that on my first toon on nagrand, or on this rogue. but both may be in it because they were the new servers released with TBC.

I’m in a similar situation, I joined the Sha’tar in 2007 it was my first ever server on WoW and it’s essentially dead now, I am now the guild leader of one of the oldest guilds created in 2007 from my server due to the fact there are no longer any other active officers and due to not wanting to see the guild die I’m trying to keep it alive.


i wish blizz would help players like you. i dont intend to exaggerate, but people like you are essentially keeping some servers alive. there is a strong chance that if the last few guilds like yours on low pop servers just quit, the players would just either quit or buy a server transfer.

while my guild is a little older (2008) its probably the oldest on ghostlands, at least activly. last tier, only 4 horde guilds really raided. and as an achievement as it is for us to finish 4th on the server (top horde), in the past as recent as WoD we were finishing like 50th or something. its not as if our type of player over the years has ever changed, we’re still a casual guild, but everyone else has left :frowning:

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It sucks, when I look at the last achievement our guild earned as a team it was back in 2016.
Let that sink in. :frowning:


agree with everything posted here. ;/

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again the sad part :frowning: i really dont think the effect this game is having on players who’ve been around from vanilla - cata. the game just is not the same for many reasons, but having low pop servers/factions is just really crushing some people. i honestly dont know how you do it but hats off to you for keeping a home for around 160 characters.

i wish blizz just cared like the old days. wow is powerful enough on its own that they could just say F you to activision and ensure that the rest of the lifespawn of wow, whether that is 2 years or 20 years, the playerbase are happy in their environment.

stop trying to turn this into fortnight or a bad romance novel. keep it at its core. D&D, LotR, RPG etc. with the MMO bit actually being people around each other on a smaller number of servers, rather than the same amount of people being spread out over 300~ servers.


I would just like to get back to this thread.
As it looks today, everyone who have the option for a Free Transfer, most of them (Who’re commenting) are moving to either Outland or Stormscale, both huge realms.

Some players (Like myself) Have the option to move from a Full realm (Tarren Mill) to Ragnaros, Argent Dawn and Karazhan. Also full/high servers.

The free transfers are not helping servers like Ghostlands/Dragonblight,

Why isn’t free transfers being encouraged in the direction of where they’re really needed?

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While mostly a technicality, the realms in question were connected to The Maelstrom and the rest of its connected realms, so these particular realms aren’t the issue.

Your point still stand as there are still vey low populated realms.

Dragonblight is marked as High, been playing there since launch, had now worries whatsoever.

Well sadly my server is in a way connected with Draenor (Horde) But how is this helping, we get the lagg, we got 0 chance if we turn on WM; yet we’re the one with the empty Auction House.

Why some realms are connected, but not merged in a way is a mystery to me. I wish they rolled out more merges/connections instead of the mess of Free Transfers, where some can transfer, others can’t - on the exact same servers lol.

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exactly. as long as transfers are a thing, people will act in their personal interest. which i dont blame of course. they will all move to a high or full pop server. thats what i did when i decided to create ally alts back in Cata or wotlk. (cant remember which). i looked up population per faction, found that silvermoon was the highest and put my (now) 20 ally alts there. i never really play ally, but i know that if i do, i wont be gimped by the AH.

BUT if we are to solve the issue of dead servers and & dead factions, blizz needs to do it with more surgical actions.

THEY need to move players about in a way to balance the servers. like i said on the thread about kazzak/draenor lag, blizz KNOW what numbers they’re dealing with, and can move them about better than we ever could moving one by one with free transfers.

and lets be honest, people aren’t going to move where they’re needed, they’re going to go to the populated realms!


Genuine question, how is 3100 max level characters and 1k just below it considered a dead server? That’s four thousand humans doing end game stuff.

tbh, i have no idea how to tell anymore how healthy my server is. are we better now we are connected with Maelstrom, (and others?). only a handful of players have joined my guild since the merge so cant tell if its fixed the problem of no players to recruit from, BUT another problem has since arisen in that the guild finder tool is broken for us! so we could be connected to draenor and still not get players cause we cant invite them! blizz have basically told us to go away so dont know if this will be fixed, which leaves us at least in almost the same spot.

what server do you mean? do you mean ghostlands? (looking at my numbers from OP).

thats characters, not players. i alone have 20 lvl 50 toons on this server. thats not 20 people, thats just me. and while 3K people sounds like a lot, it obviously isn’t because just look at our server for raid progression. ffs im one of the top players for hk’s STILL, and most of my hk’s came from TBC/WotLK!

i dont know where those 3k are, but 3k out of about 1- 1.5M (eu players) is not a lot. especially when they dont seem to interact with other players. one of the guilds i came across while doing these numbers has nearly a thousand players, but they haven’t even killed a single boss in ANY BfA raid, AND i never see their players around the world.


Because 3-4k characters is not 3-4k people, alts exist. And let’s say there are maybe 1-2k players and most play during the weekend then on weekdays the realm is dead.

And even at the time of posting there have been worse realms. I’ve had characters on Al’akir before it was connected AH was drier than the Atacama Desert.


So, they did give free transfers… to people on High pop realms. OMEGALUL


Ghostlands and Sha’tar still dying.
Same goes with all the other RP servers.
Can’t believe they let people transfer from a full realm to servers which are also filled to the brink.

I had a look and I was right about Ghostlands being part of the old vindication battle group.


So Lightbringer merge? Did I miss it? You all done merging and doing free transfers for full realms instead?


Okey. So. Shadowlands has apparently been the biggest day 1 sale on a video game ever. Many returning players, many new players coming back to the game.

However, this does not at all reflect on low-pop servers. They keep getting smaller. In September we had the last announcement for server-merges and stopped since then.

Free transfers were given, but was completely pointless as you could move from a High/Full realm to another High/Full Realm.

Not just that, you can still just make characters as you please on Full-Realms… There is no encouragement what so ever, going to low pop realms.

Imo Free-transfers from High/Full to Low, should be open permanently until the population issues are sorted, or more merges are needed.

Shadowlands is a good day for Wow. Great to see more people back and sales are high. It just doesn’t benefit us… On low realm servers.


It would be nice if they gave some sort of announcement wether there is more to come or if they are really done…still sitting here on low pop Lightbringer :sob: