Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

Just moving this up again. Pretty sure some of the lowpop realms are struggeling alot these days with the content draught and ppl taking breaks. We need more connections.

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Just let me escape Outland realm, not even a single active social guild here on horde

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I just noticed while 9.1 released, my server still has a low population status. Guess not much returnees. Bit surprised about that.

My shards are still massively populated by both Italian serversā€¦ so, not great either.


Youā€™re actually on my server :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I also seem to get the Italian shards a lot, half tempted to start learning it


even though ive not played in 6 weeks or so my sub runs out in a day or so.

i have no plans to resub, even though i have Ā£20 blizz balance. my faith in blizzard is shot and im enjoying GW2 too much. i may be back in the future. who knows, but i hope not. Ion and the decision makers have ruined the game too much for me. i cant remember the last time i had fun in game :frowning:

i hope to thrust 2 last thorns in the part of blizzard making these bad decisions.

  1. giving that Ā£20 balance to a friend to deny blizzard Ā£20 from them.
  2. hopes of keeping this thread going until blizz fixes it.

dont let the pressure off guys. keep this thread going until blizz fixes things for you.


Have fun with GW2, weā€™ll keep the topic going for you :slight_smile: (at least i will try to until my sub runs out).

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Thanks for all the effort. Enjoy GW2 and Iā€™ll probably keep bumping this thread, I get reminded enough on a daily basis how much its a disadvantage playing on a low activity realm.

My sub lasts till September, weā€™ll see what happens after that for me.


Honestly itā€™s a bit painfull on Aggramar, iā€™m still considering learning Italian so I can at least communicate with some of the other people our shard seems to keep getting despite us not being an Italian server.


Now there are not even enough people around to kill rares on my server. GG.
Another Discount on transfers. When is it enough?..


Some server population are still horrible and seeing how much problems they have in their companyā€¦ I guess it will take another few years before they do anything.

Figured Iā€™d bump it, not that they care enough.


They should really do something about the servers.

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Should they really get back to connecting smaller servers in future, they should think about making trading between those realms possible. You will most likely have more com raids formed with people coming from both realms and it is absolutely annoying if you canā€™t trade things like flasks, buff food or enchants. Yeah yeah I know. Big risk of AH exploitation but with all their silly systems popping out the ā€œdev creativity hatā€ Iā€™m sure they could find a solution for that, too and make it so that common trading option is limited to connected servers with low population only.

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So those two servers are best for farming rares?

That is what connected realms do. They allow people to be in guilds, trade etc.


Not really. Ysera and Malorne are connected and we canā€™t trade items whether in- or outside of raids. Was pretty annoying when I still was in a com raid consisting of members from both realms. Each time someone from the ā€œwrongā€ realm ran out of flasks or needed an enchantment and the only one who couldā€™ve provided it was from the other realm, we had to stop and sum people back.

Connected realms can trade, you are essentially one realm.

Donā€™t know what was the problem then. It didnā€™t work in the beginning of SL. Same for several loot items. But I think the latter was due to the item being of potential use for the one who looted it.

You are supposed to be able to :thinking:

I honestly didnā€™t try again since then. Rather playing on my own and if anything trade with people on the same realm from my fl. Might have been some temporary issue then. It just seemed weird to me.

Unless itā€™s a BoE thing, raid items can be traded cross realm anyway. Could it have been the ilvl restriction? If the person has a lower item level in that slot they canā€™t trade it.