Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

Bingo. You finally found out.
I realised this a long time ago when I was playing on Burning Blade and it got infested with Czech players to the point that world chat was no longer English, and they merged that realm with another highly populated czech realm kek.

It’s just doing business but beware, some people will defend Blizzard’s right to do that till the end.

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yes, and all they seem to do is mostly looking :frowning: wasn’t the last connections around the end of MoP or something prior to the ones last year?

this is a bs deflective shield. of course there will be an amount of players that come back for SL and then leave again.

but i bet you that the actual server population sizes will sorta be the same, so a dead realm now may get 1000 players come back for SL, but then 950 of those players will leave again in a month or 2.

they know this. servers mostly only decline unless they’re healthy. the anomaly being like people have mentioned above is when a big guild/streamer moves to a lower pop server and a ton of their followers migrate with them.

all they need to do is have region wide AH’s, and region wide guilds, and thats probably the best way out of things at this late point in the game. oh, and remove the rest of the blockages like cross server mythic needing 100 of each faction to unlock. just make it top 200 guilds instead, if it even needs to be locked at all!

and at this point it can only be pure greed on blizzards behalf by selling server/faction transfers.


Draenor population exploded to the point it had to have FCM offered. So did several other realms so there is some truth in what they say but it’s had plenty of time to settle since.


true, but like you said, its settled by now? which shows this is a false defense blizz are using. i dont play on draenor and havent spent any time on my silvermoon alliances during SL (ty anima) to know if it has settled or if im wrong.

also blizz basing population of the 240~ EU servers on Draenor or Silvermoon is willful deceit.


Why? What happens there?!

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with WM off its not a very nice place to go its full of off realm players making chars to troll about and sadly some people from AD realm take part in very unsavoury actions :frowning:

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Such as?! :eyes:

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I enjoy my tl3 atm thank you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Probably talking about the type of roleplaying goldshire has a rumour of :stuck_out_tongue: its grown ups rp if that explains enough :sweat_smile:


Whatever happens in goldshire stays in goldshire, so you won’t find definitive answers anywhere but there.

But trust me, you don’t want the answer to that question.

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Things are bad when there is a legion invasion going on (great XP) at peak time (right now) and you complete all 6 quests without bumping into a single player :s

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They have an underground pet battle ring where they fight to the death.


And the one that looses, its forced to eat its own pet. Raw.

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Mega thread!@


I guess we can conclude: size doesn’t matter for Blizzard. :neutral_face: :stuck_out_tongue: :angry:


Connections are being made in Classic now…


still looking on from dead Lightbringer


so how do people feel with where we are in regards the connections made?

are people content, or have blizzard successfully swept this under the rug?

With the patch taking too long, the patch not looking that great, the very limited communication during this prolonged dev cycle and the silence on connections… I’m quite deflated towards WoW/Blizzard.

They always were slow addressing issues but they really are in a bad place now. Luckily for them enough people got distracted with TBC I guess.

I’m spending more and more time on other games with each day passing.


i’ve not played wow in probably a month. maybe longer. makes me even more mad that blizzard removed 30 day time cards because i wouldn’t have paid for the last month if i had had a choice. so out of the 60 days i had to use, i will probably only have about 15 days played. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: gone back to GW2 which im enjoying. :slight_smile:

i haven’t even reinstalled WoW since i deleted it. so if i got the urge to play, needing to install like 75gb or whatever will probably turn me off again before i press the install button.