Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

Let’s be real, since BfA Launched almost every Server that is not a World First, Streamer or infamous server (Certain RP Servers for example) has taken a decent if not huge hit to it’s Player Count.

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But when you get to the point where, unless you can make and gather all the materials yourself, you can’t even find base legendary items or even all the materials to make base legendary items, on your realm auction house, the situation is getting dire.

Legendaries are such a big part of this expansion and they’re already such a pain to get (which is fair enough, they are Legendaries after all), but when you’re simply locked out of some of them simply because the realm is too small - which has been caused by Blizzard not living up to their promises, then that becomes a major issue.


We’re in a similar situation here AH wise, it’s part of why we’ve got the other major horde guild on our discord so we can share crafters for legendaries if needed. We usually also try to help out anyone that is lvling a new legendary as crafter.

The thing is that if you transfer of the server with your guild, you will always lose part of your community in some form. We actually did a poll a while ago and we had people say they’d rather quit raiding than transfer off the server. A lot of us are altoholics that would make transfers very expensive indeed.

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I think you’re right … we’ve done a smallish poll and the majority (who voted) voted to go … but it wasn’t necessarily a full representation of our guild, so that needs looking into further.

We’re also a guild with a lot of altoholics but, honestly, I think some of those wouldn’t view it as something to dread … but a new realm to roll new characters on :rofl:

Alonsus/Anachronos/KulTiras is unbelievably dead - Horde is non-existent, guilds just aren’t here, you have to either move server or be CRZ in a dead guild. The economy is controlled by 3 people. Very sad. Please, Blizzard, do some server connectioons…


I agree. I love Kul Tiras and have been on the realm since it was launched … but now I find it so hard to sell anything in the AH. I put a load of stuff every couple of days and I’m lucky if I sell one thing … especially transmog gear and mats which are snapped up in bigger realms.
I think we still have a couple of reasonable guilds on alliance, but horde has been shrinking more and more.
We need help.


Perhaps if they actually did what they said they’d do (although that’s getting to be a bit of a standard refrain, now), we’d already have the ability to mass transfer.

Although given the cost of transferring, especially if you have a few characters, that is going to have to have a major discount attached. I might bite the bullet and pay for one or two characters … but I’ve been on the same realm, and never had a break playing, since 2007 - I’ve amassed a fair few alts, all of which I play to one extent or another, and I’ve got lots of guild members who are in the same situation.

There is no way I could justify spending £100+ just transferring characters, and even if I could, it would feel like a very bitter pill to swallow, when this is something that Blizzard should be fixing, not me.


Yeah it needs to be a very big discount. Id prefer they did some more connections. Its not fun when you cant even find your leggo item on the ah…


I would consider moving realms, if the discount is 95%.

I have more then 10 chars…


Honestly, I think they should just open free transfers up, or offer a massive discount for people moving from dead realms to busier ones.

Fair enough charging people a fair whack when they’re just moving because they want to … I mean I’ve seen so many people think nothing about paying for a transfer to our guild, to then just pay again a week or two later to go to another … and you can see if you do lots of research on some, that they just spend their time realm hopping. Must cost a fortune.

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Or they’re twice the price compared with the same item on a bigger realm.


I assume you have the same issue we do where a lot of potential recruits flee when they see the realm population?


Or they should do free character transfer from big realms to dead realms at the very least idk…

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They did that in the past.
It was a failure for obvious reasons…


I’m very up front about the realm population simply to avoid that situation. I check where they’re coming from and if they’re from a high pop realm, I ask them to really double check the difference in the realms before considering us. I also encourage people to roll a new character first, if they want to join … try the realm for a bit first, before making a decision. New members generally are the same as they always have been … they don’t leave again due to the realm (or at least, they don’t say they do).

Of course … being so up front means that we do indeed lose a lot of potential new members solely because of the status of the realm. I’m in the situation now where, usually, the only people I can get in, are those just looking for a social guild, somewhere to chat to people in guild. Which doesn’t help with the raiding situation. I’ve been looking for tanks for raids for at least a year now. We’ve occasionally gotten one, but then something has happened, they change their mind, they can no longer raid, they have a new job which interfers with raid times, etc. Or they decide that actually the tank they joined with, they no longer wish to play and they’ll only raid if they can raid with a tank they have in another guild. If they’re not needed there.

The problem is our longer term members - those who have invested that time in us, and us with them, and those who are often core members. They see the realm declining, they see all the complaints about the realm, they see the auction house, they wonder whether the grass is greener and, blow me … but yes, yes the grass is actually greener on other realms. Because people are there. Talking in trade, buying and selling, etc.

And, of course, it doesn’t help that /who doesn’t work either so you could /who guilds or locations, and it would show perhaps half of the people who were there, if you were lucky. Admittedly half of zero is still zero … but when we had 9 online earlier, someone tried to /who us for an invite, and it showed zero online. That doesn’t give them a good impression of us.

Up until fairly recently we were doing okay because other guilds on the realm just weren’t as good at keeping people, or getting new people, and they died. So their members starting looking for alternatives and there are less and less options for new guilds on the realm. But we’re getting to the point now, I think, where most people are just making do, or they’re leaving.

Basically, the realm, and several others like it, is pretty much dead and buried. Even if everyone came back from last expansion, when the next one hits, there still aren’t enough people to make our smaller realms reasonable sizes compared to the likes of Tarren Mill and Twisting Nether. So Blizzard need to offer free transfers off these realms … essentially tell people the realm is shutting down, and people have to go elsewhere.

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I actually used it on my pala to get out of overcrowded Silvermoon

You and 17 others players in EU.

The big servers remained big and the dead ones as before and got worse in time.
It was a failure.
Why would massive amounts of players leave big servers to join dead ones?
To move a odd alt its fine but thats about it.

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It sounds like you guys are doing a fantastic job keeping going. Oddly we’re the opposite when it comes to who we can get in, we’re having to turn away potential raiders because we’re completely full but getting socials in has been impossible unless they were already on the server and found us in the guild finder or they’re a friend of an already present guildie.

What has really helped us get to this point raiding wise is that we let people try us out x-realm first be it in the social raid or main raid, it’s a great way for them to experience the guild atmosphere and it’s…good weirdness :rofl: We do also usually have raid streams going too for anyone interested although we have to warn them for adult content in advance :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, I can confirm that we intend to offer bundles of realm-to-realm character transfers for a discounted total price in a future update to World of Warcraft and the in-game Shop. This new offering will allow players to select multiple characters that are on the same account and move them all to a destination realm in one purchase.

We don’t have the final sizes, pricing, and date these new bundles will become available just yet, but we’ll let you know all of that as soon as possible.

We still w8ting.

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Yeah like 35% to 50% discount bundles.
So, if you have 10 chars its still alot of money.

Besides, this is not the solution.
The solution is to connect more realms, there is no way around it.

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