Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard

Atleast it’s better then how it is now, i’m just w8ting blizz take my money :smiley:

I’m not sure connecting more realms is the solution though. At the end of the day, there are just too many realms, and connecting dead realms together makes no difference. I mean it might temporarily, but not in the long term. And you’ll end up with connections 4, 5, 6+ realms in size. Plus Blizzard were obviously having technical issues last time actually creating those connections.

It would be easier for Blizzard to simply designate a certain number of low pop realms as due for closure, give transfers off, close those low pop realms to new characters and then, 6 months/12 months down the line, close them … with anyone left on the realm automatically transferred to X realm.


As long as the transfers would be free, that would work too.


I think they would have to be, or people would just wait for the realm closure to get the enforced move, which I’m sure wouldn’t be ideal for Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:


Guys, they have to do anything. They can’t just ignore this issue forever… I mean, it’s Blizzard so they can but it’s just not OK for paying customers.

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Pokes, still a lot of people on low pop servers waiting…


WhAt? YoU dIdN’t bUy ThE bUnDle?

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Nope, and never will :stuck_out_tongue:


But why??? It is so cheap :wink:
Blizzard is so pathetic.


Bought the bundle…transfers not working :rofl:

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Here is dead server raid progress,
the slaughter has happened only 5 guilds with results after 2 days of release.
not long ago there were more raiding guilds. Hoping that some guilds still have to run in the weekend or something.


Yup … it’s very sad.

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Bundle bought. I’m outtie, tired of everything being so quiet.

It feels like they’ve forgotten these are still needed.


Or, a cynic would say, they’re waiting to milk as much money out of them first, with people paying for transfers, until there’s only a small group of stubborn people left. We’ve given up too … we’re leaving our realm.

The only thing stopping us at the moment is the fact that they have removed the guild transfer option from the shop due to some issue with characters transferring following guilds. They fixed a similar issue with RP transfers quickly enough, with lots of regular updates. Guilds on the other hand … guilds have been the forgotten sub-section of WoW for many years now.

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It feels dirty to have left but the difference is night and day. Checking the auction house to see reasonable priced consumables, the white legendary gear not being a near fortune to get, pages and pages of listing and the biggest one, activity. Not bundled into a shard where I barely see anyone.

They’re absolute melts for not saving and merging some of these servers.

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Tbh in my case i’d have probably transferred my main long ago and restarted with alts if I weren’t invested/had friends in a guild on my server, I do occasionally try to play/lvl a char on a higher pop server but I always go back to my main in the end. A good guild means everything to me and is worth staying on a low pop server for :heartpulse:


Exactly. And that’s the reason we’ve stuck it out on a dead realm for so long. We’ve even been able, up until fairly recently, to attract people from other realms, because there aren’t a lot of guilds similar to ours that advertise. And if you’ve got a good group of guild mates around you, a lot of the time, what’s happening on the realm (or not happening), doesn’t have a huge impact.

But when we’re having people struggling just to get the basics in order to raid (because with the best will in the world, no-one has time to level every single base legendary item possible), and people, especially those who either came from a busier realm, or have alts elsewhere, start leaving because it just feels like they’re trapped, and recruitment is getting harder and harder, then something has to be done. And our options were either to die along with the realm, or move.


Its the merry dance that didn’t work.

I need consumables so I need to make gold, in order to make gold I need to farm things, the things I’ve farmed don’t sell so I don’t get gold, so in turn I don’t get the consumables.

Like I said, just even looking at the auction house had me stunned, there are literally tons of things, like damn, this is what having a populated server feels like.


Yes there appears to be some sort of critical mass (or lack of mass!) on Auction Houses. For quieter realms, sometimes as long as you use the auction house, it’s not a problem - because although the prices are all inflated, ALL prices are inflated, so you can sell stuff at a similar value level to the stuff you buy.

But there comes a point on a realm, as you said, where virtually nothing sells, and there’s a major lack of the necessities for those who raid/run higher level M+ etc.

Essentially Blizzard are saying “yeyy, here’s a multiplayer game, but on certain realms, some of the multiplayer stuff you are going to struggle to do, because we’re not going to give you the advantages every other realm has - go play solo instead”.