Deadmines Boss appeared in Orgrimmar?

So this happened today…
Helix Gearbreaker, the boss from Deadmines appeared in Orgrimmar today.
According to some people, this is a bug from 2009.

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Helix is also in mount Hyjal l0l

Did they manage to kill him? Did he despawn?

This is a bug that happens if someone hearthstones/is kicked from the dungeon as he has Helix attached to him during phase 1 of the fight, Helix will come with him, and since it’s phase 1 of the fight, he is unkillable and stays that way permanently. Last night there was at least 3 Helixes in Stormwind fighting guards.


Seems fun . We need more such kicks from deadmines then :slight_smile:

I love stuff like this.

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Had one in Theramore too

How long does he visit?

  1. Go into Deadmines and drop a mage port before Helix
  2. Let him jump on your back
  3. Take the port to Org
  4. Profit