The first boss spawns level 70+ mobs, which is the heroic difficulty.
Needless to say, we got one shottet as level 15 lol
The first boss spawns level 70+ mobs, which is the heroic difficulty.
Needless to say, we got one shottet as level 15 lol
Lol that must have been quite a shock.
get gud.
/10 char
skill issue tbh
I am sorry but i had to laugh.
I came across a lot of bugs and crap just not workign on my way to 85. In last zone now and since everything including the dungeons is so damn easy i am losing the will to even play it.
Rolfstomping though crap with tanks/dps that have no idea what cata was like back in the day is making me not wanna play anymore. I know they did nto play it bcause of their playstyle and how they play. What people target in a group says a lot. How you play the dungeon says a lot. Do you know the skips? No? Prolly did not play official cata rlease then. No bid deal.
Elitist people might say. Cool. I did not go into the dungeon as LEADER and then pick the wrong route and do no skips therebye spending an extra 5 min. But that star, tank, on your head looks cool.
I struggled hard in 2010 and what i got i earned. Including the knowledge on how to do the dungeons/raids. It hurts seeign peole just rolfstomping though crap with no regards to anything. One red colored mob is the same as the next red colored mob. They dont matter in cata classic. None of them are even dangerous. Even the dangerous ones are not dangerous.
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