Dear Aggrend! Please Fix feral druid weapon scaling!

Hello. Feral weapons are a joke and i will show you why.

Problem: replacing the weapon with a far better one has very low impact on the dps output for feral druids.

Suggestion: Make the “+ X Attack Power in Cat and Bear Form” actually match the Weapon’s DPS (x14).

Some math: 1 DPS is equal to 14 AP.

The newest Raid Feral weapon has 47 weapon dps.
This would be equal to 47x14 = +658AP.
But the actual Bonus Feral AP is only +114AP
So i get only about 17% of the actual dps potential of the Weapon while all other melees get 100%.

Seems not fair to me.

Another shocking example:
P1 raid weapon Fist of the Wild.
Provides +59 FeralAP (= 4.2Dps instead of the actual weapon dps 20.7)
The strongest P3 Raid weapon gives +114 FeralAP (=8.1Dps instead of 47)

So Upgrading my weapon from Fist of the Wild (level25 rare) to Ancient divining rod (level50 epic) will provide my cat with pathetic + 3.9 Dps. (while all other melee classes would get +26.3Dps for the same upgrade)

This can’t be serious and is not fair or logical at all to be honest.

Please someone explain why this unlogical balancing is even happening and if there is no good explanation then just

FIX THIS “BUG” PLEASE :confounded:


This Feral weapons situation is even worse than the Dot spellpower scaling problem.
I hope they will take a good look at it and decide that these calculations are a thing to be very worried about!

Maybe someone who knows more about this problem can make a clear explanation why feral weapons are so weak? Makes no sense at all.

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They should make a new Feral Rune:

“Rune of Fairness: While in cat or dire bear form you will actually get noteworthy DPS for wearing a weapon” or something like that :rofl:

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It is just oversight inherited from classic. Scaling and itemization had a lot of mistakes, illogical design. Most of these were only fixed in the tbc prepatch like warrior rage normalization.

In hindsight if we would have started sod with tbc class design we could have avoided a lot of issues.

Whenever you think is unfair for your class, or feel like it needs a buff, just reroll a warrior. All your problems will go away.

but you will lose out on wild strikes (windfury) OH WAIT, you’re horde, who cares about alliance druids!!

I play feral dps for a main atm and i noticed very little difference between the lvl 40 epic mace from STV pvp and the lvl 50 mace from STV pvp.

yes that would have been less messy indeed.
Aggrend was already talking about getting the warrior rage fixed, so maybe they will also take care of some other nonsense issues

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This weapon scaling fail is the reason why feral druid is the weakest melee dps class accoring to WCLogs statistics.

Sadly i can’t tell how bad the affliction warlock situation is, because warcraftlogs is not even showing affliction as an extra category… that sucks.
But i guess it would be similar to shadow priest.

That is no longer the case, shadow priests get a +8.7% overall dmg buff soon. (Shadow Form +25% instead of +15%)

Sadly no Hotfixes for Feral wespons (maybe my post is too late and not popular enough)
Also no warlock fixes on the list.

Yes that is so true, please change it blizzard!

Feral Druids unite! Support this post then maybe we will get some justice soon!

Dont see them changing anything. Feral Cat clearly has quite a few problems, and 10 balance fixes later all they have done is once increase the duration of Rip by a very very small amount.

While Shamans get fixes and adjustments every few weeks.

You can clearly see that they are not putting equal labor into every spec. Nor will they.

In short, who ever is actually in charge of Druid changes is clearly not a Feral enjoyer. Or a resto one for that matter. Balance has received by far the most adjustments and help out of every Druid spec combined.

Maybe the amount of people who wish for drastic changes is too low.
Wake up everyone please, this feral weapon scaling is insanely bad designed.

If the spec which got Gale Winds got the most adjustment and help then you know your class was abandoned lol.

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Hey at least the mana cost reduction will be boosted… and +10% dmg. It’s something :man_shrugging:

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Yes again there is a moonkin buff but nothing for ferals.
But they will see the problem one day if we keep this post active.

They should fix this weapon scaling fail ASAP.
Not even close to fair balancing!

Overall Dps difference between wearing BiS weapon and a lvl 1 grey item is only 7%ish

This is not okay. Even if ferals dont actually use their weapons for fighting this scaling is definetly too weak.

The benefit from weapons has always been more noticeable for melee. Casters go from like 12 to 20 spell DMG, and spells has wildly differing coefficients so it is more like a 5 dmg increase from 8 more damage. While melee get loads of top end DMG and most melee abilities are based on weapon DMG. Druids get some 20 AP extra and some stats. And that does jack flip in the grand scheme of things.

That and having to jump into bear to do AoE every three minutes…I mean c’mon…