Dear Aggrend! The (Warlock) suggestions you asked for are here

Laziness or maybe just cluelessness. Or both.

people have understand something most of us know warlock destruction is bad when pumping numbers. its just boring and gonna get even more boring when “mc and onyxia comes around”

problem is core problems with warlock still exist on a “Classic + Server” remeber this is classic with a twist. ask me warlocks didnt have enough of twist. just same ol same ol

not good enough

Yes indeed. The only core problem they took care of by now is the crit on dot effects .
If they do not take care of “agony not usable” and " gear / spellpower scaling (esp. With dots) too weak" and “all demons are weak besides imp” and “dark pact talent is a joke” then we are doomed.

I hope they will tell us every detail from p4 changes upfront so i can decide if warlock will even be worth leveling to 60


if they want to buff dots in pve they have to add resilience to balance pvp etc etc. Or maybe something like flat description: adds +50% damage if target is not a player

RIP. Dark Pact unchanged on PTR. No spellpower scaling. Capstone talent completely useless.

not only dark pact, it is a total failure on PTR …
RIP Affli Warlock.

So, since there is no mention of Infernal, Doomguard and other meme spell changes in PTR I would like to bump this thread. Also, the big Warrior CDs are getting their CDs reduced to like 5 minutes, so it would seem reasonable to do the same with at least Inferno (after turning it into guardian or making it really strong temporary pet).

1 - Infernal stats should be affected by Warlocks stats the same way other pets are when it is summoned (this should be probably snapshotted due to how the spell works).
2 - Infernal should be affected by demonology talents such as unholy power, fel stamina and fel intellect, probably snapshotted on summon. Maybe should even scale more than other pets to make him especially viable for demonology.
3 - Infernal should proc master demonologist buff the same way Felguard does, is should also proc demonic knowledge and work with demonic grace and all the other pet runes.
4 - Improved Subjugate Demon talent should be buffed when aplied to Infernal and Doomguard summoned by warlock. Right now 5 points in this deep demo talent reduce debuff to attack speed , casting speed and resist chance of the spell by 10% (from -30% AS / -40% CS / ? resist). Honestly I think 5 points should completely remove the debuff to be even worth considering. On top of it the duration of subjugation when applied to Infernal and Doomguard should be increased by 5 minutes with 5 points in, cooldown of their respective summoning spells should be significantly reduced with each talent point (maybe 5-10 minutes per point) and Inferno should became useable Indoors with 5 points in.

This change would make Demo lock a viable damage spec, would make Improved Subjugate Demon talent usefull and would give some love to this iconic Warcraft 3 ultimate.

Everlasting affliction (rune) - corruption should be also applied by all variants of shadowbolt when not present on the target (volley, shadow cleave) not just refreshed. That would give decent buff to affli and demo, mostly in AOE situation.

Invocation (rune) - just make it proc at least for half the effect every time you recast the dot on the target regardless of remaining duration, again would buff affli and demo and would synergize very nicely with Everlasting Affliction. At the moment damage from this rune procs for less than single searing pain (240-300 ish damage, maybe bit more with lots of buffs) and is in the same spot as synergy (almost consistent 25% buff to damage under certain conditions) and shadow and flame (reliable 10% buff to shadow/fire damage).

Vengeance (rune) - maybe give huge buff to damage to both Warlock and his pet when activated while soul link is active (and maybe huge buff to threat or damage while Meta is active). For context it is a 20 sec duration HP buff (last stand) with 2 min CD, shares slot with crit for dots and consistent 30% spell haste buff (when properly executed).

Meme abilities and talents:
Drain mana - too slow mana drain that requires you to channel, unviable given how bursty SOD is. Maybe make master channeler apply to drain mana but only for 5 seconds and give it 15 sec CD?

Improved drain mana talent (15/30% of mana drained causes damage) - this equals to 15-30 DPS at lvl 50 with ability that needs to be channeled and does not scale with SP at all. Maybe if it dealt 100/200% of mana drained as damage it would be note worthy.

All talents that incrase only base damage instead of total damage of individual spell - amplify curse, imroved curse of corruption, improved immolate pretty much every talent that has specific spell name in it - these need to scale with damage from SP / AP (regardless of class) as well not just base damage.

Abilities that do not scale with gear at all - for example Curse of Weakness bosses and players hit for 1K plus before any reduction is applied and this spell reduces raw damage by 22 at lvl 50. What is the point of this spell in real situation when you can either cast CoS, CoE, CoA or CoR instead all of which either scale directly or indirectly?

Fire Stone, Spell Stone and their respective talents. This conjured items are clunky to use (off hand item), Spell Stone is one use, so you have to switch to other off hand item when you use it but if you want to use mid fight you need start the fight with it because when you equip it it has 30 sec CD, it absorbs only whopping 650 spell damage at lvl 50. There is a capstone talent (yes demo lock has 2 final talents, other one is Soul Link that is disabled in metamorphosis) that increases absorbed damage by 15/30%… The talent needs to make it multiple use item with 60 sec CD and increase the effectivness by at least 100% if not more to be at least bit relevant.

Fire Stone - make the proc damage scale with locks spellpower (currently it procs for 60-90 fire damage roughly every 6th autoattack at lvl 50), maybe make it proc from felguards attacks when the fire stone is equipped by warlock (or maybe bind it to the talent).

Improved Fire Stone talent - another high level talent that does effectivelly nothing, +15/30% to the effect of firestone (so +5 fire SP and +18-27 damage to the proc at level 50). Make it proc from dots and Felguard autoattacks for 50/100 % of the proc damage on top of the current bonuses.

Improved Subjugate Demon - this is so extremely niche and at the same time it is very high level talent, it should increase duration of subjugation on top of reducing the debuff to make infernal and doomguard better with demo talents, maybe even cause some direct buff to inferno and doom like reduction of CD, number of participants for ritual, scaling of these pets with demo talents etc. Or if we are feeling spicy maybe buff to Felguard like increase to attack speed, felstorm with 5 points put into this talents, maybe give Warlock ability to equip his Felguard with 2 handed weapon.

Soul Link - if the damage transfer while in meta is too much give it some alternative effect. Like double effect of master demonologist, or all the “demo” runes or threat transfer from pet. It is rediculous that final talent of the “tanking” talent tree is disabled with tanking rune.

Update: an acceptable amount of the problems got resolved. (On PTR)

CoA is now usable.
Fel Guard damage is now increased by ~50%.
Lake of Fire is redesigned
Soul siphon is redesigned
Shadow cleave can now hit 10 targets.

Seems like we can keep our hopes up

Does the CoA / CoD buff stack with CoE/CoS, especially the bonus damage? Also it seems like they want to make people use the shadow cleave on single target too, but without making it DPS viable on its own (all kinds of proc tier bonuses in S3 and S4).

No, mark of chaos is replacing it. With the improvement that it now also applies bonus nature and holy damage and not only fire/frost/shadow/arcane.