Dear Blizzard, I am about to reach for my wallet

Yes, making servers unplayable is “smart thinking”.

But on a more serious note. Who wants to play against an adversary who has no chance of winning? That is not something that even qualifies as PvP. Player vs. Player gaming is at its best when both parties are equally matched. Not when you have 10 vs. 1, although that seems to be very exiting for some people. And of course, killing lowbies and camping them endlessly. This is griefing, not PvP.

Maybe they should have Griefing servers for these twisted people who seem to enjoy gaming only when the odds are heavily in their favor.

It is point of view, but true is, its more coward thinking.

It’s not that ppl want to be in the majority, it’s that nobody wants to be in the minority. Hence nobody joins minority factions on PvP servers and they just die a slow but ultimately inescapable death.

Again, it’s the format itself which is flawed at its core, and we’ve been knowing so for over a decade - Classic players just liked to pretend that wasn’t the case

Looking at todays wow population, there are a lot of cowards these days.

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Blizzard should be way more hands on saving dead servers by either merging low pop servers or providing free character transfers from “dead/one faction servers” to more healthy servers.

They won’t do it, so you will have to pay up.

Yeah, we didn’t even want to transfer off our realm.
The only reason that we did was due to the damn awful faction balance.
So many alliance was transferring off at start of TBC / early phases.

Pretty much became impossible to make groups for dungeons/ recruit for guilds :confused:
After all, why would Blizzard do anything… when people will just pay hundreds of ££ to transfer.
We either had a choice between Firemaw and Earthshaker.
Earthshaker is apparently 98% alliance now… so we went with Firemaw.
It’s boring being the complete dominant faction :man_shrugging:

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