Dear Blizzard, unlikely wish :D

Dear Blizzard, we’re slowly but steadily running out of things to buy with our Bronze, apart of course for Timewalking Badges.

Since you’ve already made previous anniversary mounts and pets available, how about throwing us a bone and allowing us to also buy previous BlizzCon Mounts, Pets and Toys, pretty please :smiley:

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I’ll just take the yeti outfit and be happy me xD

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Just introduce a new mount for 500 tokens, problem solved :smiley:

It should have vendor/AH/mail functions ofc for fun as well…

Yeah and Anu’relos, flame’s guidance!

Put all TCG mount/pet available into rotation,put whatever price im stacked on tendys

I knew topics like these would come around… Blizzard tried to spread the bronze earning out so people could slowly grind it out over the course of the whole event… People complained so hard, they buffed it to the ground, and now people are swimming in them wishing for more stuff to be added :joy:

I swear this player base will never be content regardless of what Blizzard does

When did they nerf it? You only needed like 300-400 marks to buy everything to begin with, depending how many mounts and pets you had from previous anniversaries, which would only take a few weeks to get and we are now a few weeks into the event :smiley:

They buffed it substantially. The intend was, that people could play casually throughout the entire event and still buy everything. But of course, because people felt like they absolutely NEEDED to have everything day 1 like MoP remix, they complained and blizzard buffed the Bronze gain

And now, because people went crazy, we are back to the same situation as MoP remix, where people realize they have a ton of bronze they have no use for, cus they already got everything… So yeah, nice to have 2 more months of an event! xD

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Well, it’s not true we don’t have a use for it. We can convert it into Timewalking Badges, where they have added tens of thousands worth of new items, mounts etc.

And it’s not like we’re drowning in Bronze, there just isn’t very much to buy from it. Especially not if you don’t have to buy all the mounts, or don’t intent to buy all the Armor Sets for classes you don’t play :slight_smile:

As I said… We still have 2 more months of the event… If you don’t need anything the event is basically over for you, how nice huh? xD

Even if they added a new mount that cost 500 Bronze, people would manage to complain that to the ground too. “Oh this was not announced so I converted all my bronze!! I can not do this in time!”

Fact is, before the intend was you wouldn’t reach the 100 Bronze mark before a few weeks in, and even then you would get like 1 bronze per repeatable source… Now you get like 50-60 for just weekly stuff. If you go back to the threads made at the beginning where people started complaining you will even see some people jokingly saying they are waiting for the bronze buffs… It was inevitable.

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On a more realistic note of things to add /change, what I would like to see is the damn timewalking badge bags be stackable…

It is downright ridiculous to have to buy dozens or more of these bags, with 2 clicks each, only to have them flood your entire inventory, then have to click on every freaking one, and then have to repeat the process because you still have bronze to trade. I know it´s supposed to be a nostalgic event, remisce about old times and the way things were, but this is one of those things that no sane person actually misses…:rofl:

it´s fun to get trolled by it once, like the first time you ever got lifegripped to death, but just like said priest skill, it gets very old very fast. :wink:

So Please, for the love of god, make them stackable like almost every other badge /token source in the game :beers: