Why is the Demon Hunter least important class to you?
Someone has to be the last.
What you mean. They were meta entire of Legion, they were beast tanks in BFA and theyre decent m+ tanks in this expansion.
Granted their dps specc hasnt faired well this expansion. But DH aint alone in the boat of being bad for 1 expansion.
Hopefully DH gets some nice stuff in DF.
If it’s a talent tree complaint, consider the fact that it’s the newest class, having the fewest abilities(or one of the classes with the fewest abilities anyway) and no talent trees to look back on. What we get is honestly going to be pretty unique judging by what has come out so far from datamining. You might be happy with the outcome even.
Not really
Only because they could kite early on, been average for everything else.
Havoc’s been treated like garbage whole expac.
I don’t think it is. The newly released talent trees have been getting better and better as time goes on. Being last is probably not a bad thing.
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