Still better than nothing.
They should just make it more clear, what comes and when it does.
I think it shouts out right before the tankbuster happens that it comes, but without mods that actually show a timeline of the incoming abilities it’s rather annoying to time it. Especially if the group also causes everyone to take significantly more damage than how it could be…and an affix to handle…it can just be something that one misses.
And since it does have 30s duration, it’s a bit of “eh, I’ll handle it later, oops I forgot about it” thing.
In short; terrible UI/UX design.
This is not a blanket issue with healers. Players need to be comfortable explaining the mechanic without throwing their toys out of the pram, and/or the in-game UI and Adventure Guide actually gets some decent love and attention by the devs. Reading the Adventure Guide is only partially helpful, because it does not give any context, order, or ‘so what’.
The default answer is not about adding WAs! I appreciate WAs are a handrail for so many players but that’s only to get around the catastrophic failures in game design. If it’s an unintuitive mechanic, why not do the helpful thing and flag it on each run?
Edit: If you’re not happy to explain the mechanic on each run, play pre-made groups with a healer you know has it covered. If playing with PUGs, it’s not unreasonable to work to the lowest common denominator, i.e. zero addons and even if the AG was checked it may not have made much sense.
no, not in timed content. You learn beforehand
You can’t learn everything beforehand.
then don’t push, your failure costs the key
I think i am fine. Thank you for the advice though.
You’re supposed to spend few hours for every dungeon on reading guides, going through every trash and boss spells, making records and watching videos of people playing through beta. How does one even dare to queue to M+ without learning the basics?
BTW this season is pretty good at self-explaining mechanics. I actually do the above and my records are rather short (I record non-obvious things).
PS if someone would suggest a guides which only record non-obvious things (usually few words per dungeon) I’d be grateful, as I spent literal hours to produce those few words and I’d prefer to play the game instead.
it wasn’t advice, it was a statement of fact.
I also stated a fact. I am fine.
Dear tanks and DPS :
- Dont kill the shards of Skarmorak at the same time.
- First boss (E.D.N.A) please dont leave 4 or 5 Volatile Spikes explode at the same time. 2 and then 1 please. And please dont have me (healer) deal with this on top of healing people.
Worst thing tanks do is take 1st massive pack, followed by a 2nd massive pack with 3 elementals one after another.
Take 1st big pack. Then a small one. And THEN take the 3 elemental pack. Give some time for CDs to reset please,
And im sure there are something tanks do that DPS hate.
shards are primarily dps, spikes are also dps.
Pulls are highly subjective to groups, but failing simple boss mechanics isn’t good enough (which includes what you mentioned, which isn’t a tank issue)
i don’t care what dps hate, they cause 90% of the headaches in wow
Honestly, this is probably the least comprehensible ability in the current dungeon pool. Even though I watched couple different guides on the boss, I had no idea when to actually dispel … until one tank got one-tapped by Earth Shatterer.
That made me think “Ooooh! That’s what it’s for!” at like +10. However, a tank in the next run, somehow, didn’t take any dmg from Earth Shatterer, I didn’t need to dispel him at all. So I thought “Ok, was the previous tank just bad?”
It’s a really poorly designed mechanic.
Whether you get dispelled or not, it’s not like there’s a better use for defensives on that fight anyway.
I absolutely love how the DDs kicks are wasted because tanks do an AoE stun at the wrong time.
Im just messing with you. I will for sure dispel you right. But to be honest, I had to watch the tank get 1-shot a couple of times and start wondering why. Until someone in the forums explained the strategy.
It was weird because healers are hard-wired to instantly dispel anything that shows up in the party frames.
Thats because we get “dispell” yelled at us if we don’t immediately dispell things…. So it is a reflex
Kek, so true.
Went into a +11 arakara with 3 people that can dispel poison.
We’re getting absolutely getting trucked by poisons on trash to first boss, it’s ticking for 900k on people.
Does anyone dispel?
“healer [insert censored word] are u doing?”
What am I doing? I can’t dispel poisons. You are 3 people that can dispel poisons, why are you not dispelling it? It’s ticking for 900k+ every second.
I’d need to do over 2 million hps to counter the damage people were taking on the trash. I can’t keep doing that constantly. When my CDs were over, we all died.
I have the dungeons WA that tells you when to dispel after the countdown for the S1 dungeon pack. The game doesn’t do a good job of explaining. Originally I didn’t realise until a tank said i dispelled them too early.
me as tank bdk need to research and manage routes. what we can and can not pull
and healer need to know some crucial mechanic is too much ?
i stopped telling this mechanic to healers
they either get mad or just ignore me . last druid told me
“i have 2.700 rio u think i dont know this dungeon ?” guess what ? the clown dispelled my edna debuff on cooldown
btw i have 628 ilvl and build that have personal for every tank buster
so i dgaf about healer doing or not doing mechanic anymore
allso tip on edna, you can clean 1 pillar or 2 if they are spawned close to eachather with anti magic shell
basically free mechanic every second spikes cause ams have 40s cd
it’s for the pull after. You can pull the entire room instantly