Dear retris

After all these years all this QQ has finally had its time to be rewarded!!
As a hunter i have no interest at all to kite a paladin. Kiting or not the battle remains the same. And the same goes for all ranged classes versus this abomination spec.
Blizzard you can modify it to ranged spec its misleading to call it melee anymore…


Ret paladin 20 yards

MM Hunter 40 yards, more with mastery and sniper shot.


There is no fight whatsoever that stays >25 yards for long enough except of free shooting bad positioned noobs in bgs

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So no problem kiting other melee with all their gapclosers, slows, roots and ranged CC or you complaining about having to face another melee that you now have to put effort into winning against?

You have problems with Ret even outside wings? You have plenty of tools to CC, kite, push away and avoid dmg during that time.


Every other melee has gap closers. Some are OP some are not but when i am kiting ANY of them there is a “down time” in their dps which makes the kiting actually worth the effort. I handle differently each one of them as they do with me.
In retris case there is sadly no gap closer but there is 100% uptime to their dps and 33% of the time is wings for gooodness… It feels waste of GCD to throw any of the root/slowing traps or abilities. Even crusader strike has 8 yards range(!) making this and auto attacks the only ones which i can avoid by kiting.
And so i am asking. Is it a good solution when retris had issues all these years and blizzard said ok hmmmm ok seems hard to resolve this by initiating new spells or new ways of gameplay, just let them hit from anywhere they stand for now.
This is just my perspective of things ofc the spec could face other issues which have nothing to do with this one.

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There is no 100% uptime on ret DPS unless the hunter have problems kiting a rock.

I agree that the ranged aspect of a Ret is bad design and very unfun to face, but Blizz has for decades refused to give any other tools like a spammable slow, gap closer, strong undispellable CC that dont share every single DR in the book while at the same time add selfheals, minibubbles, self cast HoF etc to everyone else.

Our slows are 30% on a 8 sec CD (can have 2 charges) and 50% on a 30 sec CD but 14 yard range. What is yours?

Our freedom is 25 sec CD can add 30% speedbuff, whats your backflip thingy that removes slows and gives a speedbuff?

We can use hallowed ground for another slow removal… does not remove roots however and is a 20 sec CD.

Our movement is very straight forward, no idea how you can let a ret without freedom up gain ground on you, thats on you tbh. Scattershot should handle most of HoF uptime. If not, any trap should handle the rest.

If you counter that with “buh bubbleh!” the problem isent really our range now is it?

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Ret has no gap closers, and pretty bad mobility, honestly, pvp players will always find something.

Every spec is op in pvp depending on the prospective.


Its like you dont want to understand. The issue is not kiting a ret paladin. I can kite any melee the same way i will do on retri. Ofc i ll get countered and stuff… The issue is that even if i disengage and blah blah blah i ll keep getting damage from a ton of abilites. I see you have a mage and it makes me wonder…
Kiting does not mean you are more than 25 yards away. Kiting means leaving the “melee range” of the opponent. Retri negates ANY kind of serious kiting can someone do by having most of the abilities 20-30 yards range. If you think that any kind of ranged dps is at 30+ yards bursting down and melee(any class, retris too) will sit and eat the damage then you know nothing. It only happens in mass pvp situations. Otherwise bgs, arenas and wpvp are full of obstacles which means most fights require close distance kiting.

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If you want to be stuck on semantics of a word then sure but just staying out of melee range from Rets hasent worked since WoD. Judgment, HoW, Final verdict, BoJ, Execution sentence, Final Reckoning, Divine Toll and Wake of Ash have never been melee range.

(Many of the examples above came in legion and some in SL, others prior WoD)

So that “kiting is just from melee range” from you is just utter BS! We have been semi ranged for a loooong time! The range increased on 4 attacks on the Ret patch, FV and BoJ went up to 20 yards from 10-12. CS and AA went up to 8 from 5, the rest are the same.

Btw Rogues have a 8 yard melee talent aswell i think… weird that a dagger using class has the same range as a 2h user.

Anyway… Our range on our main dmg is 20 yards, thats the range you need to keep out of, dont know what to call it other then kiting. If we get to actual melee range we generate Holy power faster and can use FV more often.

Either way, all i hear from your rant is that its to bothersome to now kite a Ret that didnt trouble you as much in the past.

But shall i have a go on hunters… the ranged casterclass that cant be interupted with a rebuke but used to have a deadzone instead, why was this inbuilt weakness removed but not for casters?

Haven’t done pvp this expansion but don’t tell me we’re back to godlike Ret WotlK days lol, that was a nightmare.

we are not

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